Oops! Once again, only the first of the five visual tweets' images (the first one's) is visible on my Twitter-free Android phone.

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My hot take: Lori leaves Chicago before the Bears do.

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Can we note that the “'” did not appear in the sonnet that ChatGPT created. It contained an actual apostrophe. Perhaps Eric can explain where the bit of untranslated.HTML came from. There are flaws in the sonnet ChatGPT created, but that wasn’t one of them.

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I liked the 'election day not a holiday' item. It reminded me that the unions in the auto industry and a number of my other clients had negotiated Election Day as a paid holiday. We have early voting (which includes some holidays and weekend days), mail voting, ballot drop boxes, and polls are open for 13 hours on election day. What's left, proxy voting? Maybe internet voting, if identity and security could be properly implemented.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

The alternate voting systems was fun and interesting. It will be interesting to see if the election results show similar results as this voting pool seems strongly skewed to progressives. But I am baffled as to why Johnson would have enough votes to win outright in a ranked choice and approval but only make a runoff in the traditional method. Similarly, Buckner is a distant fourth in the traditional but ties Johnson in approval and nearly ties Vallas for second in the ranked choice. Maybe strategic voters are not good at guessing how others will vote. The star system seems like a love-hate choice and similar to 'job performance' polls. I would really like to see a more scientific version of this. Ranked choice still looks best because all of the others can or do result in runoffs.

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For the Visual Tweets it was a tough choice between Mickey and WWIII Cat.

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All the Tweets were just to funny to me this morning to vote for one! The visuals are are really great! Good luck with that pesky election---as a west central IL resident-have learned a lot here and Policico, and Capitol Fax

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