I liked the 'election day not a holiday' item. It reminded me that the unions in the auto industry and a number of my other clients had negotiated Election Day as a paid holiday. We have early voting (which includes some holidays and weekend days), mail voting, ballot drop boxes, and polls are open for 13 hours on election day. What…
I liked the 'election day not a holiday' item. It reminded me that the unions in the auto industry and a number of my other clients had negotiated Election Day as a paid holiday. We have early voting (which includes some holidays and weekend days), mail voting, ballot drop boxes, and polls are open for 13 hours on election day. What's left, proxy voting? Maybe internet voting, if identity and security could be properly implemented.
I liked the 'election day not a holiday' item. It reminded me that the unions in the auto industry and a number of my other clients had negotiated Election Day as a paid holiday. We have early voting (which includes some holidays and weekend days), mail voting, ballot drop boxes, and polls are open for 13 hours on election day. What's left, proxy voting? Maybe internet voting, if identity and security could be properly implemented.