We all decide when to change our word choices and reasons vary. The stakes are very different for somone who has a job writng or speaking publicly.
There is always a phase when some people try to get consensus on word choices when it is not clear if what they are pushing for will take. I remember when some people wanted to change phrases …
We all decide when to change our word choices and reasons vary. The stakes are very different for somone who has a job writng or speaking publicly.
There is always a phase when some people try to get consensus on word choices when it is not clear if what they are pushing for will take. I remember when some people wanted to change phrases used to refer to disabilities and the class od such people as a whole. The term "differently abled" was floated. It never became the norm probably because it was patronizing. Anyone who jumped on that bandwagon now looks ridiculous.
Regarding thug I would think that context matters. Of course there will people who get outraged at anything. A person could be suspended from his job and pilloried for writing n----- in an appropriate context. That does not mean I would not write that.
We all decide when to change our word choices and reasons vary. The stakes are very different for somone who has a job writng or speaking publicly.
There is always a phase when some people try to get consensus on word choices when it is not clear if what they are pushing for will take. I remember when some people wanted to change phrases used to refer to disabilities and the class od such people as a whole. The term "differently abled" was floated. It never became the norm probably because it was patronizing. Anyone who jumped on that bandwagon now looks ridiculous.
Regarding thug I would think that context matters. Of course there will people who get outraged at anything. A person could be suspended from his job and pilloried for writing n----- in an appropriate context. That does not mean I would not write that.