The JakeH/JoanieWimmer discussion concerning prosecutorial discretion was interesting. However I found JakeH concerns a bit overwrought.
1. The Trump decision will get reviewed on appeal, and probably on a number of levels.
2. Bragg was able to convince 12 jurors on 34 counts beyond a reasonable doubt, that should at least show that Bragg had a viable prosecution going on.
3. Prosecutors use their “discretion” for all kinds of reasons and for all kinds of motives.
The Hunter Biden trial lends itself to a “witch hunt” much more than the Trump trial.
There was a time in Illinois where prosecutors would work very hard to put away Illinois governors to burnish their own political status with great success.
Advice to office holders, best policy to defend yourself against zealous, politically motivated prosecutors - do not do the crime (agree with you Joanie Wimmer).
If you want to see a really broken process, look at pardons both on the Federal and State level.
Trump pardoned folks to allow them to commit more crimes in the future. And now the Trump felon is promising to pardon fellow criminals in the future for further gang activity.
If you look at the State level, the pardon process is all over the place. You have governor Abbot pardoning a convicted murderer before the trial. His motive is political, not justice and there is no appeal process.
Look at the various State’s procedures and just how they handle pardons. There is no consistent procedure. There is no “equal protection” and folks will get wildly different results depending on the State. Justice in these matters seem to be an afterthought.
The JakeH/JoanieWimmer discussion concerning prosecutorial discretion was interesting. However I found JakeH concerns a bit overwrought.
1. The Trump decision will get reviewed on appeal, and probably on a number of levels.
2. Bragg was able to convince 12 jurors on 34 counts beyond a reasonable doubt, that should at least show that Bragg had a viable prosecution going on.
3. Prosecutors use their “discretion” for all kinds of reasons and for all kinds of motives.
The Hunter Biden trial lends itself to a “witch hunt” much more than the Trump trial.
There was a time in Illinois where prosecutors would work very hard to put away Illinois governors to burnish their own political status with great success.
Advice to office holders, best policy to defend yourself against zealous, politically motivated prosecutors - do not do the crime (agree with you Joanie Wimmer).
If you want to see a really broken process, look at pardons both on the Federal and State level.
Trump pardoned folks to allow them to commit more crimes in the future. And now the Trump felon is promising to pardon fellow criminals in the future for further gang activity.
If you look at the State level, the pardon process is all over the place. You have governor Abbot pardoning a convicted murderer before the trial. His motive is political, not justice and there is no appeal process.
Look at the various State’s procedures and just how they handle pardons. There is no consistent procedure. There is no “equal protection” and folks will get wildly different results depending on the State. Justice in these matters seem to be an afterthought.