Put together a list of "Insensitive words (phrases) you need to stop using right now!". Hopefully will keep you all out of trouble. This is only from the first two articles I looked at, so be forewarned that this is not all inclusive! Addict, non-white, elderly, homeless, sex change, exotic, white list, insane, man hours, alcoholic, dial…
Put together a list of "Insensitive words (phrases) you need to stop using right now!". Hopefully will keep you all out of trouble. This is only from the first two articles I looked at, so be forewarned that this is not all inclusive! Addict, non-white, elderly, homeless, sex change, exotic, white list, insane, man hours, alcoholic, dialect, pollyanna, oriental, whitelist, blacklist, ghetto, spooky, sold down the river, grandfathered in, spirit animal, powow, tribe, lowest on the totem pole, savage, gypped, first world problem, brain storm, blindsided, blind leading the blind, dumb, lame, tone deaf, crippled. "Not knowing the word is insensitive does not reduce the pain of the hearer."
Don’t forget “lash out.” According to some activist Woke Parkers, it is racist and offensively violent. See the comments to this article in the local newspaper Wednesday Journal.
I wonder why people get so worked up about such lists. There are no "word police" who will enforce them and you are still free to use whatever words you wish, no matter how crass or rude they might be. If people you don;t know and don't respect object to those words (a) so what?, and (b) they are as free to criticise as you are to speak and write. No point in tilting at windmills when there are real problems to be dealt with.
Michael, generally agree with your comment, but there are “word police” for words used in a public forum. I remember the “thug” incident Eric referenced. That sportscaster had to make a public apology or face the consequences after a spotless 40 year career.
I think the words "word police" imply some group that polices everybody. I think that an employer saying something an employee says or writes is unacceptable is an entirely separate matter.
Put together a list of "Insensitive words (phrases) you need to stop using right now!". Hopefully will keep you all out of trouble. This is only from the first two articles I looked at, so be forewarned that this is not all inclusive! Addict, non-white, elderly, homeless, sex change, exotic, white list, insane, man hours, alcoholic, dialect, pollyanna, oriental, whitelist, blacklist, ghetto, spooky, sold down the river, grandfathered in, spirit animal, powow, tribe, lowest on the totem pole, savage, gypped, first world problem, brain storm, blindsided, blind leading the blind, dumb, lame, tone deaf, crippled. "Not knowing the word is insensitive does not reduce the pain of the hearer."
You forgot about “master” and “transvestite”.
Don’t forget “lash out.” According to some activist Woke Parkers, it is racist and offensively violent. See the comments to this article in the local newspaper Wednesday Journal.
You left out criminal!
Perhaps on the reverse side are words that we can't use anymore for their earlier meanings, e.g. queer and gay.
I wonder why people get so worked up about such lists. There are no "word police" who will enforce them and you are still free to use whatever words you wish, no matter how crass or rude they might be. If people you don;t know and don't respect object to those words (a) so what?, and (b) they are as free to criticise as you are to speak and write. No point in tilting at windmills when there are real problems to be dealt with.
Michael, generally agree with your comment, but there are “word police” for words used in a public forum. I remember the “thug” incident Eric referenced. That sportscaster had to make a public apology or face the consequences after a spotless 40 year career.
I think the words "word police" imply some group that polices everybody. I think that an employer saying something an employee says or writes is unacceptable is an entirely separate matter.
Got it. 😉