Finding Trump’s hidden virtues may be an amusing parlor game, but I want no part of it as we sit here three weeks from possibly electing a man who would turn the military against its own citizens. This is not a drill.
Finding Trump’s hidden virtues may be an amusing parlor game, but I want no part of it as we sit here three weeks from possibly electing a man who would turn the military against its own citizens. This is not a drill.
And it doesn't speak well of the reporter who thought to ask Harris that question. I get that it's a relatively normal question that gets asked of politicians, but read the room already...
It’s really more of a test for the candidate being asked the question — do you have the grace, humility and perspective to see the good qualities even in those with whom you disagree?
I understand that, but Harris probably should have just turned the question right back to the reporter: "Can you see any redeeming qualities about Trump? Because I can't."
The last time I can recall a presidential candidate honestly saying their opponent was a good person with whom they simply disagreed was John McCain. It certainly exposed his overall decency in the face of the pre-Trump nastiness the GOP was harboring.
Maybe fair when asked of Hillary Clinton years ago, but now that his personal track record of insults and illegal chicanery is well established, it’s a lame-at-best gotcha we’re all warned about before every job interview. I do think it’s fair to ask why Trump’s followers continue to support him — they are the ones she’ll need to govern despite disagreements with them.
If I recall correctly, when she was asked that question she said something about how he loves his children.That turns out to be a lie, he hates his own kids & treats them like shit!
I agree with you Eric. She was quick on her feet (likely lawyer practice) and diplomatic. Honestly, I wonder how much he really does care about them or any of the previous wives but he can't publicly argue with her on that one as he does most everything else. Virtues, um no
Please note my comments made earlier on Harris and her answers. It may be, as you say, a test of the candidate and how they answer questions. It's an appropriate reason. But, as I said earlier, the real test is how voters take it. It's election season. Be careful about praising opponents, otherwise some might wonder about why to vote for you.
Finding Trump’s hidden virtues may be an amusing parlor game, but I want no part of it as we sit here three weeks from possibly electing a man who would turn the military against its own citizens. This is not a drill.
And it doesn't speak well of the reporter who thought to ask Harris that question. I get that it's a relatively normal question that gets asked of politicians, but read the room already...
It’s really more of a test for the candidate being asked the question — do you have the grace, humility and perspective to see the good qualities even in those with whom you disagree?
I understand that, but Harris probably should have just turned the question right back to the reporter: "Can you see any redeeming qualities about Trump? Because I can't."
The last time I can recall a presidential candidate honestly saying their opponent was a good person with whom they simply disagreed was John McCain. It certainly exposed his overall decency in the face of the pre-Trump nastiness the GOP was harboring.
Maybe fair when asked of Hillary Clinton years ago, but now that his personal track record of insults and illegal chicanery is well established, it’s a lame-at-best gotcha we’re all warned about before every job interview. I do think it’s fair to ask why Trump’s followers continue to support him — they are the ones she’ll need to govern despite disagreements with them.
If I recall correctly, when she was asked that question she said something about how he loves his children.That turns out to be a lie, he hates his own kids & treats them like shit!
Trump loves his kin when they love him first. Look up what he says about his niece who has said he is nutter than a nutty fruitcake.
Garry, wait a minute, I believe Trump has said if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he would “date” her, if that isn’t love…wait ick…no double ick.
You are right and that seems to be one reason she is giving him a wide berth.
Just another illustration of Family Values as portrayed by Donald (grab them) Trump…ick again.
I agree with you Eric. She was quick on her feet (likely lawyer practice) and diplomatic. Honestly, I wonder how much he really does care about them or any of the previous wives but he can't publicly argue with her on that one as he does most everything else. Virtues, um no
Please note my comments made earlier on Harris and her answers. It may be, as you say, a test of the candidate and how they answer questions. It's an appropriate reason. But, as I said earlier, the real test is how voters take it. It's election season. Be careful about praising opponents, otherwise some might wonder about why to vote for you.