1. Just say No to Joe. That said there is a "50 Ways to leave your lover" line in there somewhere. 2. Chicago Tonight at 9 PM seems better than 10 pm. 3. People need to leave that "Football" is not the greatest sport. First, it's opinion, you don't like it - that's fine. Side note: "...but the fans also get 30 seconds or so to review the previous play and to contemplate the upcoming play." If that was the deciding factor - you could say you have 30 seconds plus to review the last pitch and contemplate the next pitch - as well as head off to the trough, stand in line for a beer, stand in line for a hot dog, say hello to Bob and Ellen three rows behind you, excuse yourself as you pass everyone on your way down the row back to your seat. ("What I'd I miss?")

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With regard to the hilarious GOP tweet, the majority of Americans also feel this way.

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I have to hope that voters are not taken in by the lame "I deserve a second chance because I am no longer drunk" position of "Proco Joe"!!!! I did not hear one shred of apology to his MANY victims. And if I were Ms. Hrabar I would have sued him till his pinkies hurt!! I don't have any way of knowing if the very kind-hearted judge William Hooks has dutifully expunged Ms. Hrabar's arrest record as well.

I think he ought to work as a janitor in the ER of Cook County Hospital (aka Stroger). That way he could see and hear the other victims of drunk drivers. It would open his eyes (one hopes) to the actual damage he has done to his community.

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She is suing him. I didn't check on the status of that suit, but yes, I don't know that I've heard any apologies from him, just explanations.

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All I see of Twitter is what appears in The Picayune Times. Which is why it was so disappointing that 4 of the 5 visual tweet contestants weren't visible this time. Frames, yes. Images, no. I voted for the one I could see. (And might have anyway, since I laughed out loud when I saw it.)

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Author

Is anyone else having this problem? I heard about it once before and there is a workaround I can do if it's a chronic problem. ... let me know which browser/phone you're using. That could be the problem.

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Android on a Samsung phone

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Same here.

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I find that this happens fairly often online. I just refresh the page, and the images appear.

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Thanks for the tip!

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What is interesting to me is that Alderman Moreno did essentially what Jussie Smollett did—Moreno made a false report of a felony committed against him. And, since Moreno was an Alderman at the time, the case he created with his false police report was sort of a “heater” case. Yet, Moreno certainly did not become the person everybody hated and wanted imprisoned the way Smollett did. Can you imagine someone talking up Smollett for city office? To be sure, Smollett went to trial and lied at his trial whereas Moreno pleaded guilty, but then Moreno was charged with and pleaded guilty to DUI while on probation for the false police report. Why do you suppose Smollett became a pariah and the Alderman did not?

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Moreno's false report was not about race or Trump or LGBTQ, did not malign the city or the police, did not mobilize hundreds of officers to investigate, did not draw activists to support him, and drew zero national attention. He also did not get special handling from Foxx and did not go on national talk shows to malign the police, courts, and city. His false report also did not require the suspension of common-sense so willingly demonstrated by the national media for Smollet. Moreno is a traditional alder-sleaze whose actions were quite minor compared to the normal alder-sleaze that we are all too familiar with.

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Moreno having the sheer audacity to run for office after his disgraceful conduct, and Tunney endorsing him, is a textbook example of Chicago being a toilet bowl of corruption in government at all levels.

But you know who the real problem is? The voters who continue to return these horrible people to office. How do you begin to explain this except for utter stupidity. And I guess that's why this has never changed, and is unlikely to change anytime in the foreseeable future.

(And a big part of the reason the Land of Lincoln has suffered a net population loss of over 100,000 mostly tax-paying law-abiding citizens annually the past several years while all neighboring states gained population.)

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

About the risk of ex-cons, especially those that have broken the public's trust such as Moreno, reporter Ben Joravsky talks often about how stupid Chicago voters are. There should be a wall between offenders and running for office, with some exceptions for certain offenses I suppose. While ex-cons should have the ability to support themselves and vote, they have essentially proven that they can't be trusted, although some may have actually changed, and should have no expectation of being in any position of authority.

Moreno is a clown and should be satisfied with his being able to get on with his life. Moreno, just get a job.

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I'm glad the football player recovered but that news, for me, sucked up too much media attention and fan adoration. It's blanking football for goodness sake. I hate everything about football actually; I only have time in my life to follow Cubs baseball and it's so much, um calmer mostly. I think it was the lead network story one night when the speaker voting should've had the lead. All the visual tweets hit it out of the park today!

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