Is simply reproducing a cartoon exactly as it was meant to be published really a visual tweet?

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Thanks for providing the literal translation for the coffee mug visual tweet. At least now I get it.

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Choosing between semi-finalists is getting to be a real challenge!

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Johnson’s race-rhetoric is nothing more than an appeal to prejudice aimed at and disparaging White America (for people who make the racial distinction) – it says nothing about the socio-economic reality of the status quo in society but is pandering to Black identity to garner racially motivated votes in the 2023 mayoral race in Chicago: This, along with the general lack of substance, is reason enough to consider seriously what political action Johnson may actually intend for the City if elected mayor. Buyer beware.

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After this tweet madness is over, Eric, you should interview Uncle Duke.

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Regarding composting the dead: This may have been covered, but traditional Jewish burial practices are quite in keeping with environmental concerns. There's no embalming; a coffin is a plain wood box, which decomposes quite readily; and where it's allowed, some people are buried without a coffin at all--just wrapped in (linen) shrouds. So perhaps we were ahead of our time....

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martire is as prickly as ever in response to a good faith criticism. his way is, of course, the only way that the IL and Chgo pension systems can be saved. he takes credit for the decision of a liberal Democrat-supermajority IL supreme court. 'I Alone Can Fix It’ - remind you of a recent-vintage politician?

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visual tweets, round 6 - too many good choices! i'm paralyzed with indecision.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

Branden Johnson is and always has been a prevaricator because he knows that his far left ideology is not palatable to a general audience. When his audience is fellow far left folks, he is quite open about his defund position, and he knows that they will understand his winking response to mainstream audiences. The far left believes: 1) Black neighborhoods are over policed which results in unjust citations and arrests; 2) Police are a primary source of violence in Black neighborhoods and are a greater threat to citizens than criminals; 3) the purpose of police is to protect wealth and capital and to subjugate the masses 4) Policing cannot be reformed and must be reduced or eliminated; 5) Addressing economic and social issues is the only way to reduce crime. 5) Any disagreement with any of these points is evidence of ignorance and racism. Johnson's proposals fit this model as does his 'equitable' budgeting notion. His characterization of community policing as an affront to Black communities is another example. He knows that he cannot 'remove us from state sponsored policing' in the short run but I do not doubt that he believes in the goal. He also knows that such a position would make him unelectable, so he needs to appease the ignorant and the racists that believe in policing. I certainly see no evidence of his moderating his views.

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I think that if we had rank order voting that Lightfoot would have done quite well and possibly won. I suspect that she would have been the second choice for a lot of voters. And I am certain that Johnson will have a very short honeymoon period.

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Regarding the gun shops and abortion clinics tweet, um I thought that men CAN get pregnant these days (or, pssst, is that just a steaming load of horse puckey). I would also expect that a woman would be capable of attempting to buy a gun, but sometimes my utter lack of identity politics or sense of sophistication just fail me flat.

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