Regarding the 2020 email from Dan W.: “It was rude of me.” So droll!

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And here I thought that after the war was over, Pulaski moved to suburban Chicago, changing his name to “Crawford”.

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Another solid post with well-thought out nuanced takes and multiple links. Page 2 should give it a read and steal the concept, if not the content.

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I enjoyed Steinberg's masterful take down of the Prince of Martyrdom; it's a must read.

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“Violent extremism is heavily concentrated on the right”?!? Guess you must have slept through the 2020 BLM riots, the weeks-long left-wing siege of the federal courthouse - which, by the way, is where citizens go to vindicate violations of their civil rights - in Portland, and the the CHAZ-CHOP secession from the Union in Seattle. Or perhaps you’re just a long-hauler COVID-19 survivor suffering from selective memory loss. In either event, such gross and baseless over-generalizations detract from what could otherwise be a serious forum for civilized discussion and debate instead of just a silly tweet-of-the-week contest and “meh” support for “family friendly” drag queen shows at the local bakery.

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When I am linked to premium content on another site and a paywall pops up I refresh that site and as soon as the article populates I hit the reader view icon on my iPhone before the paywall can appear. Works really good but I’m sure at some point they’ll figure out how to defeat that too.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

As an aficionado of quaint Illinois pronunciation--it is not KAY-ro. That's syrup. And how Chicagoans and New Yorkers say it. 😉 Rather it is Cairo (KAIR-oh) as sanctioned by the Illinois News Broadcasters Assoc.


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Not sure if he still does it, but for years/decades Springsteen had his people pick 10 to 20 people with the worst seats in the house and put them in “house seats” right in front of stage.

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I don't Tweet, but I'm busy investing in the companies that provide the Feds with orange onesies.


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I wrote to the mayor and the trustees about this and his response was that it was all about the zoning and not about the subject of the show. That could be, but the fact that a Christian zealot committed a crime that victimized the owners and their landlord that resulted in the city doing what he wanted is a bit too much evidence against the zoning argument and more about their fear of extremist violence.

Thanks GOP.

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