I get spoofed calls almost every day. I'm always on guard for them. The weirdest is when I'm called by my own number, which used to happen occasionally!
Any time I get a number from a named person I don't know, it's always a scam call. What I don't get is how anyone falls for that crap? Exactly why is Samantha Carson trying to sell me aut…
I get spoofed calls almost every day. I'm always on guard for them. The weirdest is when I'm called by my own number, which used to happen occasionally!
Any time I get a number from a named person I don't know, it's always a scam call. What I don't get is how anyone falls for that crap? Exactly why is Samantha Carson trying to sell me auto insurance?
But how that incredibly gullible woman could put 50 grand in a shoebox & give to someone flat out boggles the minds of anyone with even half a brain!
Did you read the article she wrote? It explains exactly how she came to put that money in a shoebox.
In a moment of being distracted and possibly tired, she listened to enough of a scammers pitch to get on the hook. Then once they had her scared and stressed it is extremely hard to think rationally.
That depends on your definition of "sane person". If you allow that a person can temporarily have a breakdown in cognitive function and thus not be sane in that moment, then, sure, I agree with your statement. According to the article, she was on the phone continuously for a very long time in a high stress situation. Also according to the article it is that breakdown of cognitive function that is typical in humans that have provided police a way to extract a false confessions from people. They keep them in interrogation for an extended period of time.
So you after all that you could say she had temporarily lost her sanity. I don't think she would disagree.
Where we may disagree is that I think all of us are vulnerable to losing it like that.
I didn't post my favorite book that I read in 2023, because it is an old book, but it is relevant to this issue. It is Voodoo Science by Robert Park. The author is a physicist who writes about the prevalence of ridiculous claims like cold fusion, perpetual motion machines, homeopathy, etc. The author seems like a very smart and rational person. He admits that he sometimes he has little patience for people who believe aliens have visited earth. But he has tried to temper that by remembering a story of when, for a few minutes, while he was driving to Roswell NM in the mid-50's, he believed in UFOs.
I don't care how much stress she was under or how long she was on the phone!
She was a gullible fool & got what she deserved for being a gullible fool!
And I do believe in UFOs, because I've seen an unidentified flying object, but I certainly know it wasn't from Martians, it was just something in the sky I couldn't identify, hence: Unidentified!
I get spoofed calls almost every day. I'm always on guard for them. The weirdest is when I'm called by my own number, which used to happen occasionally!
Any time I get a number from a named person I don't know, it's always a scam call. What I don't get is how anyone falls for that crap? Exactly why is Samantha Carson trying to sell me auto insurance?
But how that incredibly gullible woman could put 50 grand in a shoebox & give to someone flat out boggles the minds of anyone with even half a brain!
Did you read the article she wrote? It explains exactly how she came to put that money in a shoebox.
In a moment of being distracted and possibly tired, she listened to enough of a scammers pitch to get on the hook. Then once they had her scared and stressed it is extremely hard to think rationally.
Are you crazy?
It didn't matter that she was tired & distracted, no sane person would put 50 grand in a shoebox & give it to a stranger!
That depends on your definition of "sane person". If you allow that a person can temporarily have a breakdown in cognitive function and thus not be sane in that moment, then, sure, I agree with your statement. According to the article, she was on the phone continuously for a very long time in a high stress situation. Also according to the article it is that breakdown of cognitive function that is typical in humans that have provided police a way to extract a false confessions from people. They keep them in interrogation for an extended period of time.
So you after all that you could say she had temporarily lost her sanity. I don't think she would disagree.
Where we may disagree is that I think all of us are vulnerable to losing it like that.
I didn't post my favorite book that I read in 2023, because it is an old book, but it is relevant to this issue. It is Voodoo Science by Robert Park. The author is a physicist who writes about the prevalence of ridiculous claims like cold fusion, perpetual motion machines, homeopathy, etc. The author seems like a very smart and rational person. He admits that he sometimes he has little patience for people who believe aliens have visited earth. But he has tried to temper that by remembering a story of when, for a few minutes, while he was driving to Roswell NM in the mid-50's, he believed in UFOs.
I don't care how much stress she was under or how long she was on the phone!
She was a gullible fool & got what she deserved for being a gullible fool!
And I do believe in UFOs, because I've seen an unidentified flying object, but I certainly know it wasn't from Martians, it was just something in the sky I couldn't identify, hence: Unidentified!
I think you are pretending to not know what I meant when I said "believe in UFOs"