while it may look like PV is just a perpetual election loser [like HS], he came thisclose to beating Blago in the Dem primary [2002], from which Blago won his 1st term as Guv. and it was only Blago's egregious lying - he even admitted he'd lie to get elected - that prevented PV from winning, getting elected Guv, and steering the state of IL clear of the fiscal morass it now faces.
none of which disproves your comparison of PV to HS.
Conventional wisdom also has it that Vallas' fear of flying kept him from effectively campaigning downstate. For reference Blago won 36.5% Vallas won 34.5% and the egregious Roland Burris took 29%.
Paul Vallas is Chicago's Harold Stassen (ask your granddad).
while it may look like PV is just a perpetual election loser [like HS], he came thisclose to beating Blago in the Dem primary [2002], from which Blago won his 1st term as Guv. and it was only Blago's egregious lying - he even admitted he'd lie to get elected - that prevented PV from winning, getting elected Guv, and steering the state of IL clear of the fiscal morass it now faces.
none of which disproves your comparison of PV to HS.
Conventional wisdom also has it that Vallas' fear of flying kept him from effectively campaigning downstate. For reference Blago won 36.5% Vallas won 34.5% and the egregious Roland Burris took 29%.
good point.