"Honey, did you hear they CRUCIFIED our CARPENTER???"

It is less funny when one realizes that the Nazarene was not a carpenter, but rather was *the son* of a carpenter.


"Honey, did you hear they CRUCIFIED our CARPENTER'S KID???

...also isn't funny.

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Well, as a follower of the carpenter's son, I'm sorry to have to admit that I found both of the phrases humorous. Jesus' acknowledgement that a prophet is without honor in his own country certainly lends credence to the premise of the tweet. Also, it is very likely as the oldest son that Jesus' followed in his earthly father's occupation before taking up his heavenly father's crusade.

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I love the double reference to deja vu. Ha!

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POLITICO Illinois, today:

"'I would support Giuliani': Mayor Lori Lightfoot is out with another ad showing Vallas in his own words during a 2009 interview. In this 40-second spot, Vallas is asked who he would support in 2012. “If I were to rank them, I would support [Rudy] Giuliani first, and I would support [Mitt] Romney second” over Barack Obama, Vallas said."

For a "life-long Democrat," Vallas has a very strange record.

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Regarding the digital driver’s license:

I often leave the house without my wallet, and license, knowing I could recite my Il DL number if asked. I have been pulled over without my license, and that was sufficient. Granted, it was years ago and I’m white.

I recently photographed my license to have in my phone when I’m without my DL, since I’m rarely anywhere without my phone.

I then imagined showing a picture of my license, or a digital DL, to a police officer was likely to result in the officer taking my phone from me. The idea of surrendering my phone during a traffic stop is not appealing to me, and if the alternative is allowing police to scan my phone for digital information at that time- I’ll pass

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Regarding digital vs. plastic driver's license, why can't we be offered both when these options become available? I like the convenience of having a digital copy on my phone, but there are occasions when it would be preferable to have the hard copy.

I'm due to renew my license in a few months (before these options will be available), but I hope if and when a digital license becomes legal I will be able to download it from SoS, before the next renewal date.

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1. Yeah, I got it.

2. Hopslam on the back porch?

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Re Chuy Garcia, I would ask why did they schedule the debate on the same night as the State of the Union speech? It seems a different night would attract more viewers.

Re Super Bowl: hold the game on a Saturday night, when everyone likes to party.

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As far as Vallas being a DINO, who cares. Democrat, Republican, Spaceman, who cares, if he can solve the crime problem. People resorting to name calling are desperate.

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i watched the trailer for the video on the CTU - signed up for a notification when the video is released. i will be interested to see the video. i'm sure CTU is already preparing a vigorous, self-serving response.

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Anybody know what causes Déjà Vu?

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The Douglas Frazier interview is excellent. Very informative and from a very pragmatic guy. He also highlighted problems that we never hear about in the media or politics. I am once again appalled, but unsurprised, by the incompetence of our government agencies, programs, and leaders. Rather than properly fund and operate existing services to provide homeless shelters, they are allowed to molder, while money and effort are wasted on new programs like the guaranteed income experiment.

Our politics, politicians, and media rarely put the spotlight on existing inefficiencies that could be readily fixed to address serious problems. All prefer shiny objects and superficial chatter, and the dismissal of wonks that want to talk about the details.

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I was surprised that Eric commented that he thought run-offs were good. A run-off pits two candidates with pluralities which does not guarantee that they are representative of the majority. Lightfoot and Preckwinkle together were less than 40% of the vote. A rank choice will always work better. When there are too many candidates for a voter to have a relative preference for each of them, the voter is still able to rank the top three or four that they like the most, which is likely to be sufficient in most elections. And it is always cheaper and more efficient.

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I don't know. The Déjà Vu study feels derivative.

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Re: déjà vu, my dad once pointed out to me something he learned in college back in the '50s -- that when you experience déjà vu, you probably weren't really paying attention to what was happening around you. Your subconscious mind absorbed what was happening, and then you consciously caught up, providing a feeling like you had experienced a moment twice. Maybe only a fraction of a second delay, but we know our minds can work quickly to create and retain memories, e.g., lengthy dreams are often very brief in reality. As a kid, I paid attention to this and it seemed to pan out. When I felt the feeling of déjà vu, I noticed my mind was really somewhere else, at least for a few seconds. No need for a familiar setting trigger per the article, just a simple lapse of focus. Sadly, like others have noted, my experience with déjà vu has diminished over the years to the point where I can't remember the last time it happened. Perhaps I'm becoming more attentive, or more likely, my subconscious brain has become lazy.

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Chuy thinks a 'No Show" is better than "late in the game" forum that could only hurt him and not give him a boost. Lightfoot should worry more about making the run off vs who she 'plans to defeat' in the run off. Superbowl - earlier game time or Saturday game. (I've never worked at a place where people don't come to work after the Superbowl - even those who host large parties.) Surprised - a little - with mayoral quiz results

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