100% of the blame for the delays in prosecuting that fat rapist traitor, goes to Merrick Garland, a total useless wimp of an attorney general, who bends over backwards when it comes to prosecuting Re Thug Licons & appoints the wimpiest, most cowardly, useless bums, he can find US Attorneys to do the job. I don't give a damn how much praise they've poured on Jack Smith, that fool never should've brought the stolen documents case in Palm Beach, the documents were stolen from Washington DC & that's where the trial should've been, not in the courtroom of the fat rapist traitor's unofficial defense attorney, the utterly unqualified Aileen Cannon, the worst federal judge since Roger Taney polluted the Supreme Court 160 years ago! She makes Clarence Thomas look like a fair judge! Then he appoints life long Re Thug Licons who support the fat rapist traitor to prosecute any Democrats that break the law, such as drug addict Hunter Biden, who my guess is a jury will find not guilty, once all the facts are in at his trial! Of course, if Hunter's trial is delayed until after November 5, I sure hope his father gives him a full pardon on November 6! That should really piss off his critics!

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Fat(3), rapist(3), traitor(3), useless(2), wimp, thug, wimpiest, cowardly, bums, fool, unqualified, worst, polluted, drug addict and piss off. All in one comment! Except for the 1st 4, pretty good thesaurus usage. 😂

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The first four are all accurate, so what's wrong with them?

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Didn’t say anything was wrong with them…

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If I could I'd vote for Uncle Duke today for the trifecta. He's a consistently great contestant here and don't think I've ever seen 3 entries from him in one issue. I did vote for the current leader of them as of this am as well.

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Uncle Duke is relentlessly scouring the web for things and offering funny quips.

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and I thought he was coming up with all of these on his own-just kidding sort of...I'm going to have to look them up on line sometime-or not

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On Asking Amy…the husband should tell the sister-in-law to tell the wife about her fantasies! Leave the husband out of it!

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Because of his billions and former status as president, Trump has recieved more due process and judicial consideration than any other defendent, ever, all the way up to the Supreme Court. I'm surprised his constant claims of victimhood sway the saner members of the public, including some commenters here.

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Agreed. One only has to look at Jack Teixeira's case, whose due process for a crime similar to Trump's, and committed more than a year after, has moved through all of the stages (sentencing scheduled for September) already, while Trump has only so far been indicted, with trial delayed indefinitely.

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I would not agree that The Former Guy has billions... He pretends he has billions but the evidence is not compelling. His name is on buildings that he doesn't own. He has managed to lose money on casinos! - His businesses have filed for bankruptcy 6 times.

The slow walking 'justice delayed is justice denied' cadre of his minions is an ongoing insult to our legal system. Judge "Catch and kill" Cannon should have recused herself from the get-go.

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May 14Liked by Eric Zorn

Uncle Duke continues to rule.

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May 14·edited May 14

"In fact, U.S. Department of Justice rules forbid doing so.”

This is a great example of the problem in dealing with MAGA, they aren't well informed and don't seem to care. Facts do not matter to these people. I just had a discussion with a person who railed about the injustice of Trump being found guilty of fraud and having to pay a huge fine when there a) no victims (she said that the banks knew that the values were not correct and that real estate values depend on what one is talking about) and (b) there was no damage (the banks lost nothing on Trump's declarations). I had no response because a) I never read any story about the case nor (b) know anything about the law pertaining to that case and ruling, so I couldn't respond. Now I have to research the law, but that doesn't stop them. Therefore, rational people are at a disadvantage.

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NY State & city did lose out on the false real estate evaluations. The banks lost money, because he paid a lower interest rate on the loans, loans he might not to have even been able to get if he gave them accurate evaluations. Some of the real estate evaluations were based on the square footage of his penthouse in Manhattan. He lied & said it was 33,000 sq. feet, when in fact it's just under 11,000 sq. feet.

He's an inveterate liar, he made 30,000+ lies in four years as president & he continues to lie about his height & weight. He says he's 6'3" & 215 lbs, which are obvious lies. Photos of him with his youngest son, who is said to be 6'7" tall, show him to be at least six inches shorter than him & he's obviously closer to 300lbs!

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May 14·edited May 14

Your reply illustrates the problem, that MAGA says things that are materially incorrect, whether a lie, they know the facts, or simply wrong, they say things without checking. Therefore, they live in a world of alternate "reality" and they vote. I don't think that this is truly new, there have always been such true believers, but now they have the Internet to maintain contact and keep their story straight between them. Atwater should have been so lucky.

A late addition: That the banks may have chosen to not verify his claims, this was core to her claim that there was no victim, is another problem that should be dealt with as it aligns with the subprime mortgage crisis and bank failures in general.

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Just in case anyone else is interested, here's a link to an article about use of that New York state fraud law that shows that Trump isn't being persecuted:


IMO, the problem has been that the media hasn't done a good job in explaining the law, why it exists and how it's been used. Laws exist because there's a perceived problem and my guess is that too many businessmen had lied. Trump simply was to egregious in his excessive claims and got caught.

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As I recall, one of the loans obtained by falsified assets supported Trump's bid to renovate the Post Office building in DC. There were other bidders for this project, including major hotel chains. Their bids failed, and they lost the opportunity to build their brands and do business. So, it isn't accurate to say that there were no victims.

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Thanks for that!

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Israel has a problem in the United States that is, at least to some extent, self-inflicted. The Palestinian diaspora has resulted in large voting blocks of pro-Palestinian voters in certain areas, such as Dearborn MI. Michigan, of course, is a swing state due to our ridiculous Electoral college system, so this is a problem for Biden. I believe he is entitled to take political considerations into account, because a a Trump presidency would be a disaster for the world as well as us. I live in the Southwest suburbs. I have Palestinian neighbors. My children's high school is over 15% Muslim. Whether we like it or not, they have a viewpoint that differs from what seems to be the majority viewpoint in this newsletter. (They must also have some kind of protest program in place to block the airport or put dump trucks on the intersections.That's not the work of college students.)

All that being said, the most important thing to me is, that after 7 months of bombing the absolute crap out of Gaza, most military experts agree, it has been ineffective against Hamas. I suppose Israel could follow Lindsay Graham's suggestion and nuke 'em, or Israel could try something new.

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" I believe he is entitled to take political considerations into account, because a a Trump presidency would be a disaster for the world as well as us." THIS is the kind of thinking and justification that drives me crazy and has since the 2016 election. In this viewpoint -- shared by many here -- absolutely ANYTHING is justified when it comes to Trump because he is uniquely evil. And you all are absolutely wrong.

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I feel so sorry for you. Maybe joining the President Buchanan Rehabilitation Society would take your mind off the persecution of Agent Orange?

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Well, we are not wrong about him being evil incarnate! - And we are not wrong when we ask that the crimes he has (allegedly) committed by adjudicated in a timely manner. I see no unwarranted justification in these statements.

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What politicians don’t take political considerations into account? And why is it bad or wrong for politicians to take political considerations into account?

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The Trump defenders at the top of the column are totally missing the point. There is nothing criminal about sex with a stripper. Neither is paying her off, although it would have been of interest in a divorce proceeding, which was never going to happen. Lying to protect business interests and on taxes is another matter. How do we know this? It has been presented in court. I also notice the protesters object to the attempt to speed things up. How long as this been going on? How many delays and protests have there been by the Trump legal team? What is legitimate about the attempt to push trials back past the election, which is still 5 months away? Why should the election have anything to do with it? We all complain about the slowness of the American justice system and why it can take years to try something. Why should that change for Trump? I question whether or not the protesters would defend the justice system if this involved someone they didn't care about rather than Trump. They blame it on hatred against Trump. There is an opposing point of view. Are they only defending delays because they support Trump? There are thousands of accused across the country awaiting trial dates simply because lawyers delay and judges fear being accused of impropriety. Delaying is not justice. And even though I stated that the election should have nothing to do with it, the American people deserve to know who the candidates are and what they done before voting. There is also a lot of hypocrisy here. Trump's supporters in Congress and around the country are in a big hurry to impeach Biden and others in the government. To use Trump supporter logic, what's the rush? They haven't even accused anyone yet of specific offenses, just general disagreements with policies. Or vague charges of "this must have been what happened." I hope I am never tried and convicted for what I must have been thinking rather than what I actually did.

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Exactly. Lying on your taxes should be the easy prove here. Did he claim that $160,000 as a “legal” expense and deduct it from his income? That’s open and shut. Not sure what the 30+ felony charges all are, but that one should be a layup.

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Looked up the 34 charges. All for “Falsifying Business Records”. Just one for every ledger entry, check written, etc. involving the hush money.

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Voted for Chris but would also be happy with Juicy Fruit visual teeet.

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I love the Juicy Fruit tweet but it ain't doing well!

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Maybe because no one actually ever CHEWED Juicy Fruit. It was a gross flavor. Bleh.

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Juicy Fruit is great, and was my choice until I read the last one. To this day, our 94 yr old mother tells us "better to have and not need it, than need it and not have it" about the jacket.

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The people defending lowered speed limits are missing the point for several reasons. I personally am not against lower speed limits. I, like many others, feel it is a waste of time. Whatever the limits are, drivers need to decide to drive better. I don't care what the average speed limit is. How was that number achieved? It is a matter of congestion, not safer driving. I care not what other cities have done. It is evidence of nothing. Does this person have evidence of safer driving as a result. Every city is constructed differently and has different conditions. I have been all over the country driving. In Boston, with many circular roads, you first need to try and figure out where you are going. Madison, Wisconsin was mentioned. I have been there. Their rush hour traffic barely compares as Chicago overnight. In Los Angeles and the surrounding area, there is 3 times the population of the entire state of Illinois. Heavy traffic is 24 hours a day. If Chicago wants to pass lower limits, fine. I don't object. I don't see it making any difference.

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The population of the Los Angeles metro area is 12 1/2 million. The population of Illinois is a little over 12 1/2 million.

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Depends what you consider LA metro. My point is still the same. It does no good to compare driving conditions of one city with another.

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I didn't agree with Bill Coleman and Beth Bales, but I'm glad they read here and shared their viewpoint. It's good to hear *directly* why more conservative people (I don't want to presume they are MAGA) oppose Trump's prosecutions--from actual people rather than via Fox News. Now that Bill brings it up, for instance, it's not really surprising that he thought it's actually against federal law to prosecute a candidate during an election. Even mainstream coverage doesn't always fully explain something like this, the informal political norms versus laws. They might mention it once or twice and then assume everybody just knows. Plus, let's face it, most people just don't have time to wade through a wide variety of news coverage. Once upon a time people fulfilled their good citizenship duty by reading one newspaper and watching one channel's newscast, and they pretty much were. Beth made the point that she agrees that Trump's immunity claim is ludicrous, so it's not like she's someone who won't consider new evidence or evidence against Trump. There are plenty of voters who have gotten the same understanding of these cases as Bill and Beth, and they could swing the election. I'm sure a few of them are relatives and neighbors I just haven't talked to lately. So I'm glad to both hear from Bill and Beth, and to see Eric's responses, which all help me think about the issues. Not to be too Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm about it. I've never read that book but it sounds right so I'll leave it.

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I LOVE being part of the community here, as I was with EZ's "Change of Subject." I agree with some things, disagree with others and enjoy the presentation of other points of view.

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And that's great! Eric was just saying recently he hoped more conservative people would read, since he did that poll showing most people here skew left, which wasn't a big shock. Beth and Bill need to get their friends in here too.

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Here’s why I’m with Amy. The husband has been put in an impossible situation with no good answer. There are two problems with keeping the sister-in-law’s amorous advance a secret and both deal with the long term consequences. First, there will be extreme discomfort for him every time there is a family get together. Second, he will carry this major secret from his wife through eternity. If he tells his wife it could lead to disaster, but it’s also possible some resolution will occur.

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Bill Coleman and Beth Bales, congratulations on your continuing consumption of the Kool-Aid and your ability to twist truth. A speedy trial is much desired (and part of our criminal justice system) EXCEPT by the criminals.

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Well, if you insist on dumping evidence at the last minute (or close to it), your speedy trial is going to be delayed. There are still rules of the court that govern proceedings.

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BTW, whether you are preparing for an election or an anniversary party for your parents or the birth of a child or ANY event, that should not be part of the scheduling of the trial. Since when does the indicted party get to set the schedule?

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My favorite in-car entertainment driving 6 miles to/from work on Schaumburg Road was meeting the driver who passed me going 10 - 20 MPH over the speed limit at the next light - repeatedly.

Speeding only makes sense on long drives on the interstate or tollway, IMHO.

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May 14·edited May 14

Regarding Trumps' fraud case: I'd like to know others' opinions of this opinion piece:


I understand that law is merely opinion, it isn't science that demands evidence, but I'd still like to hear reactions. I also understand that the Hoover Institute is a conservative, as in it does not accept the concept of rights as shown by https://www.frontpagemag.com/dobbs-and-kennedy-rulings-intensify-lefts-war-bruce-thornton/, but I feel that these views must be understood as they drive people in their decision making.


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Bill Coleman: I understand your POV - but I would take it a step further. There have been things said by Trump that had it been anyone else - he would have charged with contempt of court. He'd be fined and/or jailed. Let the justice system play out as it should - including the process of conducting of court proceeding.

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