Ahh "professional" movie reviewers... I do like your explanation - of seeing so many movies that the outlier movie must be great for simply being different. I've long passed on reviews before deciding to see a movie. I still prefer big theater experiences vs home viewing. Too many reviews and other online resources - if not the actual trailers - give too much of the movie away. Those would be my 'go to' places if I want to read what a movie is vs seeing it. I'm not sure when it began. The English Patient comes to mind. (Is he dead yet?)

Maybe things are changing - but it's almost awards season and a list of "must see' movies will be out. Most I haven't heard of and few are the ones I have seen. Many I have no interest in - well directed, acted, produced. I will watch bad movies with good plot, and bad movies with good film-ology but I don't watch movies to be depressed, shocked, or someone's interpretation of an event. The world has enough of that. That leaves more than just Marvel movies - although they are good escapism films

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I would have lost two hours watching “The Lost Daughter” had I not started to fast forward through parts. I was so disappointed after my initial interest when I saw it starred Olivia Colman.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Eric Zorn

I could not agree with you more about The Lost Daughter. If I had to describe it in one word, it would be “cringeworthy.” I couldn’t watch it in one sitting. I had to finish it the next day. I’m still not sure what was up with that ending.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Eric Zorn

I received a subscription to the Picayune Sentinel for Christmas and I hope this will be a perennial gift, as I am thoroughly enjoying every bit of it! This would be perfect for that hard-to-buy-for

person on your list...Thanks, Kevin!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Eric Zorn

Thank God it's not just me. Watching The Lost Daughter after a couple glasses of wine, alternating falling asleep and losing track of what was going on. It was an uninteresting bore for me. Unlike Promising Young Woman which I watched last night under the same circumstances and was attentively riveted to throughout. Both troubled women, haunted by the darkness in their pasts. I love both Carey Mulligan and Olivia Colman, they are fabulous actors. The story and the director make or break a movie IMHO.

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Have not seen "The Lost Daughter", but felt similar about "The Power of the Dog". Good acting, nice scenery, but started fast forwarding after not enjoying it for about an hour. Just like a 50 page rule on books. Time is too valuable.

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Eric, you forgot this re Lost Daughter, which I have not seen: No critic wants to say anything bad about Olivia Coleman. And I love her too, I get it--The Night Manager alone, wow.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Eric Zorn

I cannot agree with you more about "The Lost Daughter". Though I watched the whole thing, I could never figure out what prompted her weird behavior. The flashbacks did nothing to enlighten me in this regard. The "Lost Daughter" was indeed an example of a lousy movie elevated to the status of profound by critics. One that is worse is "The Humans", "which explores the hidden dread and love of a family". NOT! It's more like a claustrophobic view of a flawed family in a movie that has no beginning or end with lots of "going nowhere " in the middle.

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Are we free to whine about anything? Or just the topics in the PS? I started a couple of times on topics in the news, but then stopped because it seemed out of place.

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I am not a Catholic and I couldn't care less about the problems that priests have with the church hierarchy. The same for Mel Gibson's opinion on anything. I have to believe that this is a small group, of no consequence to the Church. Why waste the ink? Do we need another group to be outraged about? Would it even matter if they created another sect?

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Although I subscribed weeks ago, it was only today that I realized that the message is "clipped" and that I had to click on "View entire message" to see and make comments. I wonder if others (who are as non-techie as me) don't realize this and that's why not many people are using the comments section.

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We watched "The Lost Daughter" the other night. I have mixed feelings. It was hard to understand or sympathize with the 48 year old Leda - but the story of the young Leda as a mother who was resisting motherhood was showing something very painful and real - and something that we don't like to talk about.

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The 4-star review of Magnolia starring Tom Cruise bothers me to this day! I often refer to Magnolia as the worst movie I have ever seen, encapsulated by one scene (the others have blessedly been forgotten)....the characters are at a gas station, suddenly, it starts raining frogs, literally! They are pounding against the car and pavement, thousands of them. Not one character in the film even mentions the scourge, nor did it have anything to do with what was happening nor any subsequent plot developments. Mind-numbing! However, I may be in the minority as it still gets 83% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Eric Zorn

You've asked for comments about "The Lost Daughter." I just can't. I've already given up two hours of my life in paying attention to that awful, pointless, meaningless movie. I just can't give more.

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Thanks for the links. The youtube refresher again emphasized the fact that no context was provided for the frog-storm (although my memory failed to recall the characters did indeed react to it). The defense article I found very contorted and fail to see how an average movie goer could possibly have pulled out these interpretations without repeated viewings. Thus, I agree with your thesis that movie critics see too many movies.

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I've never even heard of the "daughter" movie and I'm certainly not going to waste my time now! I will have to give "Look it Up" a try. There's a part of me wondering if we started watching it late one night and have simply ... forgotten. But the best part of this one is the image of "2020 Too." First rate, Eric!

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