Enjoy today's "Ear Wax" education? Next in our series "What's the deal with ear and nose hair?"

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And that's "pik-a-yoon" not "pik-a-nose''

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With a peripheral effect. I use foam ear plugs as sound protection when using power tools or other loud stuff. Now I feel I need to switch to ear muff style sound protection. I already have tinnitus, so let me know when you discover the solution to that problem.

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I, too , enjoyed the Ear Wax entry. It's an everyday, common, problem that many people deal with, but not publicly (usually). I was surprised how persistent your buildup was, and the extent of the treatments needed to alleviate it.

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I’m vexed because almost exactly when I started growing hair in unwanted places, farsightedness kicked in and I can’t see them.

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“We had to shout at her from inches away just to let her know it was time for meals or to ask her if she wanted to go on a walk.” --Zorn

Too, it’s always a possibility that the temporary deafness in the ear is – instead of just impacted ear wax -- a learned response to a lot of bad news, noise, aversiveness and other such unpleasantness, which many (elderly) people hard-of-hearing often claim.

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I was reading your Missive and thinking I've read this before. I missed the note at the beginning about this being from 2011. Still enjoyed it. Thanks

John Conzett

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Thanks, John! Thinking of you and your mother this week.

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I also switched from pop (soda? soda pop?) a few years ago when the county added the new tax. About the same time there was a lot of press about excess packaging and how plastics aren't really recycled. So I tried MIO. Little flavoring bottles with 24 squirts, so about 17 cents a glass. Lots of different flavors which I have found just fine. I think I also drink more plain water, when I run out, feel guilty about chemicals, or am just too lazy.

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If the tv show is Swedish, it would be an o with an umlaut. The o with a line through it, is Norwegian or Danish.

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Regarding the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in nature. July 4th in Anchorage, Alaska. Seeing the sun up at 2 am. I felt like I was on a Star Trek planet with multiple moons.

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That was a good overview of the positive Pritzker actions/messages. It is exactly the kind of list that gets lots of media coverage and has no problem ignoring negative messages or questions. For instance: He is getting credit for a lot of legislation that was put through by Madigan or Welch, he just signed where they told him to. He should also get credit for his administration - covid deaths at the veterans' home. The dysfunctional Dept of Employment security that took months to pay claimants, had 20,000 call backlogs, ignored people that reported fraudulent claims, and still paid out 10s of billions in fraudulent claims. There is the fine Dept of Children and Family Services that oversees dozens of abuses and deaths of children in their system annually, and whose leader has been held in contempt a dozen times because they keep children in mental wards, and in closets and on couches. There's also the Illinois State Police that still have thousands of backlogged forensic kits in their lab. They also are taking 3 to 5 times longer than the statute time to renew Foid cards, while failing to prevent reported dangerous people from getting cards and failing to see that guns are removed from people that have their cards revoked. This is also the guy that said we needed a huge tax increase to go with his new graduated income tax in order to keep the lights on, but having lost that, now claims we have a surplus that allows him to give out a big tax cut while still increasing spending. Then there is the Illinois unemployment rate, which is among the highest in the country and a full point higher than the national average. And finally, as I have mentioned before, the pension underfunding that was so much 'improved' by the markets last year will be far worse this year with a significant increase in the cost of future borrowing. He will admit that the federal money is used up and that he needs a big tax increase after the election. But other than that he is doing a fine job. Unless you want to give him part of the credit for keeping schools closed and tanking the economy with excessive business shutdowns. But he is still a shoe in for governor and I think he is actually practicing for 2028.

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And I forgot to include the botched rollout of the 'equity' cannabis licenses for growing, distribution, and retail that delayed the minority entrepreneurs by over two years. This has caused significant financial hardship for many, reduced access to desirable locations, given competitors a two-year head start, and significantly delayed any positive equity impact.

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