
Foxx is teaching a masters class in obfuscation. Like Smollet, she is lying. That is the only explanation. Her underlings are letting her claim she didn't make the decision by telling confused and incoherent stories. She thanks them for covering for her with nonsense about discretion and judgement and dealing with important issues. She knows that most people have no idea how her office should work and are not paying close attention. Politically, the charge of 'an office in confusion and disarray' won't swing many votes, if the current lawlessness doesn't do the trick.

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Regarding your recent COVID-19 experience, I wonder how many of us have breathed in the virus, but were asymptomatic or blamed light symptoms on other medical conditions. Without having reason to test, we'll never know.

I work in a poorly ventilated public high school that has informed us of several positive individuals for many weeks. I'm either very lucky, the masks I wear are extremely effective, or I've had the virus in my system without effects serious enough to be tested. -- Wendy C.

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It seems to me that many people would agree that it is common knowledge that Mayor Lightfoot is loquacious: She appears to love, be natural at, and be given to public speaking; it strengthens her social image, drives her adamant persuasiveness, and helps her politically. Yet, not always speaking to a friendly audience, she can be very convincing.

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Regarding the Rascals consensus the the vaccine mandate (now in all of Cook county) is "too little, too late," I must disagree. It is late, but not too late. And it is not too little-- it is something. Yes, there will be fake vaccine cards and fake doctors notes, but to reject the mandate on that basis is akin to saying "if we outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns." I assume that restaurants and bars and other entertainment venues will check your cards at the door. But will gyms do that? Gyms have regular visitors. Maybe they will set up a system where you enter your info once, then you are good. That might take some time to set up.

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You left out the best part of the great deal we are getting on the Thompson Center. The state sold the building for $70 million but is buying back five floors for $148 million, for a net loss of $78 million. They are also leasing more floor space downtown in other buildings. Which is somehow a long-term savings in 'state of Illinois' math, where our annual balanced budget also increases out state debt.

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Sheriff Dart makes very reasonable proposals. But the question is 'why do you need to call someone to disable the car?' Why can't the owner do it themselves from any phone or PC? There is no reason that this service requires tracking or remote access through a third party.

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