Wait a minute…

“There once was a vote in Nantucket,

That would allow boobs on a beach

Just out of reach

Nay I beseech

Cover thy eyes with a bucket.”

Choice: visual tweets voting vs Mrs Zorn. I’m going to play it safe with voter suppression

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I've never seen this form of limerick before, but I'll allow it.

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OK; I’ll bite. Giving the op-Ed opinion writer’s credentials at the end of the op-Ed is, I suppose, meant to buttress the merits of the arguments after the reader is already convinced by logic and reason, as if to say: if you aren’t already convinced, then here’s why you should be, because the writer is a credentialed “expert.” That rarely works for me, however; my reaction is instead typically, “that’s of course what I would expect from so-and-so.” But putting the credential up from would likely dissuade me from even reading the piece, so I say continue to follow to follow the existing practice.

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Permitting a rape exception to laws otherwise generally banning abortion would, it seems to me, for practical reasons have to depend entirely on the word of the pregnant woman. This would undoubtedly lead to many questionable charges of rape where the parties to the pregnancy already knew each other or had an ongoing relationship, but perhaps the fear of potential criminal charges - or, to say the least, a rift in the relationship - would make young people more careful before engaging in casual sex, or at least provide a greater incentive to practice birth control. One can at least hope. Given that every pregnancy in a woman under age 18 in most states already by definition involves a “statutory” rape, however, and that few - if any - of those are ever prosecuted, I suppose we shouldn’t have too much hope.

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If banning civilian purchases of AR-15s would not make a significant dent in the number of shootings in the country, then it’s difficult to see how we can convince either policymakers or the people to take that route. We already have laws against killing people, of course, and Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. I have no answers …

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We'll have to wait to see what this guy's problem is. The took down his youtube material so I can't tell what he had to say but this was in the NY Post:

"He was seen with a Trump flag draped over him in a Twitter post from June 27, 2021, according to the outlet. The caption on the post only read “spam.”" and,

"Another video reportedly posted on his YouTube page appears to show Crimo with other people cheering Trump’s presidential motorcade outside an airport on Jan. 2, 2021. He later flipped the phone’s orientation to show his face at the end of the video."

So, there you go. Why work for a diverse, inclusive society?

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It’s unclear to me just what he was doing at those Trump events – he may have been attending ironically in an effort to mock the other participants. . Either way though, I would be reluctant to blame his political affiliations for this deranged act. We can stipulate that there are terrible and violent people all across the political spectrum.

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I posted those details because that's all they had regarding politics. I stipulate that regardless of his reason, Trump is a terrible and violent person.

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I think they will find that he is a homicidal lunatic that was also considering a political assassination for his big show.

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I guess I’m ok with either placement of authorship. If a headline of an article or the opening paragraphs seem, to me, blatantly biased to the right, I’ve learned to check the end of the article for the author’s I.D. Then if it’s someone speaking for a group like the the American Enterprise Institute or the Heritage Foundation I might quickly scan it for their latest b.s. spin and then move on.

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The 'mansplaining' was very funny. But when I looked at the picture I thought, 'Forget it dude, they aren't buying it.'

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Ary's Provocateur was just ignorant and unfunny. A better response would have been 'Guess, I'll be frying in hell. And wondering why you are there too.'

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I really enjoyed a good laugh at your excellent visual tweet selection. And you knew how the vote would go with your subscribers. We have to know how we stack up with the others. :)

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In regard to Marc M total nudity suggestion. Bad idea - hygiene dictates against it. Not all folks clean their lower bodies well and the thought of sitting in a messy movie seat or restaurant chair is ugly and a public health problem. Also bad for business -SF had a total nudity law which local merchants overturned. People avoided commercial areas with mainly nude men hanging around park benches. Finally would you want nude old men lounging by playgrounds or little league diamonds watching children and suggesting they come over? The issue of topless women is cultural and different from a total nudity suggestion.

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A female friend said 'Of course men are in favor of topless beaches.' I said, 'It's because they imagine a beach full of super-models'.

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How about some new laws to make it easier to involuntarily institutionalize people that are potentially homicidal lunatics? And how about criminal/civil liability for people that knew this guy was dangerously deranged and did nothing? This guy has had obvious problems since he was 15 and posted numerous videos. I will also be interested in how he obtained the rifle and ammunition. A FOID (Firearm Owner's Identification) card is required in Illinois to own a gun and to buy ammunition. Fortunately, there seems to be ample records on the rifle used, so they should be able to find and prosecute whoever provided it or assess how the system failed in allowing him to obtain it.

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So the latest info is that the police responded to a suicide call at the shooters house in 2018. In 2019 they responded to a threat to kill people and confiscated his collection of knives and a sword and a dagger. They reported the 2019 incident to the State Police. And in 2020 the State Police issued the guy a FOID card. Why would the State Police have done that?

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I assume that Eric is referring to total bans on abortion with a rape exemption. The better question - Is the baby evil and therefore disposable or is there actually an ethically acceptable window for an abortion? Since it should be obvious that the correct answer is the later, then the availability and use of 'morning after' or first trimester pharmaceutical abortion should be available to all without the provision of a rationale.

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Having been to topless beaches in Europe - nope just expect regular folks. Super models know a topless pic is valuable and lounge topless far from us regular folks. And I leave it to the people of Evanston to decide this issue.

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Interesting question about the placement of the columnist's identifying information. In print it is easy for my eyes to drop to the bottom and get the info. Scratch that. It WAS. Now I read newspapers online and I certainly don't bother scrolling to the bottom to read about the author. So, yes, it would be useful if online content put author info on top. (That said, in digital material the website itself usually tells me a lot about the content to expect.)

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For Op-eds in the paper I have always first read the writer's bio before reading the column. It is quite easy to glance down, read a couple of sentences about the writer and then read what they have to say. I assumed everyone does that.

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That is exactly what I have always done too.

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The claim that the Dobbs decision simply returns the decision concerning abortion (and numerous other rights many of us take for granted) to the states is disingenuous. Several states, including our neighbor to the north, have a center/left electorate, but the Congressional and state legislative districts have been gerrymandered to a fair-thee-well. The conservative/right-wing legislators can enact anything they want without fear of being tossed out.

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"Fare thee well" for you spell checkers

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