"If this is a rebuild, it looks like a demolition without the necessary paperwork for a future structure. — Rick Morrissey on the Bulls"

Before I read the last part, I thought this was about trump and Musk and the US Constitution and government.

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I thought it was about the Sox.

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ha ha 😁, spot on!

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I did as well

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Loved the food quiz. Suggest the following foods/ beverages for a second go round:

1. grits, 2. Dr. Pepper, 3 fried chicken, 4. venison, 5 pizza topped with ham and pineapple, 6.tater tots, 7. bologna, 8. cauliflower, 9. Malort and 10. salsa.

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Add melted cheese, aka "gag food," and yogurt, aka "vilest smelling 'food' ever foisted on an innocent public"

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I guess we know which side you would be on for those two!😂

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Artificial cheese food product vs real cheese. I love real cheese but hate artificial cheese food product - Velveeta, American cheese slices, nacho "cheese" sauce, and the like. Oil masquerading as cheese.

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I am with you. I see that you specified American cheese *slices*. I agree with that, but there is good American cheese. While it is not officially "cheese", it is still good and does not necessarily have objectionable chemicals. I use white American cheese for St. Louis style pizza.

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Dang. I never expected those to be controversial.

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1. Love ‘em

2. Great, but Zero Sugar please

3. Awesome

4. Meh

5. Love it

6. Every day

7. It’s okay

8. Yes, especially raw

9. Why do you hate me???

10. Absolutely

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I put oatmeal and cream-of-wheat in the same category as grits.

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Who doesn't like tater tots? I know someone who wraps them in bacon and they're a huge party hit!

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You'll take my Dr Pepper & Dr Pepper Cherry from my cold dead hands!

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good choices for the next such poll.

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I'm with you in the 3rd camp on the Kendrick half time show. I understood that it wasn't aimed at me and while part of me wishes it was more accessible to the very wide audience watching, I don't begrudge it and I'm happy that diverse styles and important voices are given a platform. I've seen a few articles online attempting to explain some of the references in his performance and those have been helpful.

As a side note, Lou Dobbs will only be celebrating his 80'th posthumously, he died last year, and I'm not ashamed to say good riddance.

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Were it not for DEI, Lou Dobbs would not have been included on the list that went out in the email. I have removed his name above.

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Damn DEI strikes again!

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Kendrick is doing just fine, and needs no additional platform. He was part of the performance 3 years ago. True diversity and important voices would actually be giving a platform to jazz, blues, bluegrass, tejano, etc.

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It was clear from the get go that I was not the target audience for the half-time show! But that's been true for most years. So I was mostly bored and couldn't be bothered to be annoyed.

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I’m in a 4th camp on halftime show. I don’t think that “old white people” and “middlebrow folks” were too clueless. I enjoyed the spectacle, but for me his lyrics were too fast to comprehend. I switched to closed caption and still couldn’t keep up.

I thought the visuals of the separation of the flag, built on backs, Uncle Sam/Uncle Tom and Serena/Drake history were obvious. I didn’t know that Serena’s dance was “Crip Walking”, though.

I googled lyrics the next day and liked the “40 Acres and a Mule”, “The Revolution will not be Televised” and “Wrong Guy” references. I knew about the Drake/Lamar feud, but not the reasons for it. Just happy they’re not using the old school rappers methods of settling differences!

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As an old white guy who didn't understand a single word of the show, I also dutifully found the lyrics from the original songs online. I read them, I still didn't understand them.

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RE: the food poll - My problem was it’s too broad. I like cooked mushrooms, but I can take or leave raw mushrooms. I like raw spinach, in salads, but I like spanakopita and hate creamed spinach. With sushi, it depends on the fish: eel - no, tuna or salmon - yes.

RE: Quip - sometimes the spectators are the best part of parallel parking. I once had to squeee into a tiny space on the left side of a narrow one-way street. Did it on the first try! And the construction workers who had stopped to watch broke into applause. That was awesome.

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Joan P, same thing happened to me, when I parallel parked in an extremely tight space. The guy in his car in front of me got out of his car, applauded, and asked if I would teach his daughter to parallel park!

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I came here to say something similar about the food poll. I went through childhood thinking I hated spinach. Then in adulthood I discovered fresh cooked spinach and loved it! And raw spinach in a salad is great too. So I tried frozen spinach again... and it's still gross.

I like (some) sushi a lot, and we go to a local sushi joint regularly. But I don't care for the seaweed wrap found in most rolls. I stick with Nigiri - and like you, I like some fish more than others.

There are some foods like I like but my wife dislikes: lamb, eggplant, anchovies, bleu cheese, calamari and pickled herring come to mind. Aren't those more controversial than eggs, spinach and broccoli?

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I don't know! I suspect that eggplant is at 30 % food, anchovies a 10% food. Frozen spinach in a lasagna or a quiche is FINE, I think. Straight, probably not. THough creamed spinach is one of my favorite side dishes.

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If we're aiming for 50/50 then yes, anchovies are a niche delight. But aren't eggs in one form or another probably 90/10?

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Love, love love creamed spinach.

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I love eggplant! When you cut it open before cooking it, it smells like springtime! And it tastes great after it’s cooked when paired with tomatoes or tomato sauce. I always have eggplant in my ratatouille!

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I'm a picky eater who hates many foods but I love anchovies and capers and raw fennel. My husband says my taste buds are f#$ked up.

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If you have a back-up camera, have you ever had a driver in the parked car behind you start honking in a panic as you back up to within an inch of their car?

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It seems we’re getting to that “Find Out” phase where certain people are coming to regret voting for Trump. And we haven’t even made it through the first month!

Here is Rick Wilson’s response to those Trump voters who are shocked by what’s happening: https://youtu.be/u49-8NDGdrc?si=2ttYMmswYZOeHybd

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Dems are pretty powerless to stop all the crap-hopefully, the red line will occur when red states are hurt badly enough. The red state reps might find their spines

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Well, the "find out" phase should have happened in October! - Why people thought all the cruel promises the Orange Menace made would for sure not be what they promised, I cannot imagine.

I wonder if any of them realized that as a convicted felon residing in Florida, he is ineligible to vote!

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I thought I read somewhere that he did vote - by mail! If that’s so, then he may have broken a Florida state law.

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Right now, Burger Boy is appealing to MAGAs on issues relating to making them feel like Marvel superheroes. We'll see what happens when even MAGAs are affected by nitty gritty everyday issues, like the costs of things, the cutting of consumer and environmental protections, cuts in healthcare and other things that affect even MAGSs.

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Scrolling through the list of movies dumped on YouTube by Warner Brothers, I was reminded of the momentary thrill of the $4.99 VHS movie bin at the grocery store. And why I never bought any of those movies.

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I know John Hughes has become somewhat more respected since his untimely death, but that's no reason to spend two hours finding out if "Curly Sue" is as bad as I think it is.

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Same. It's like how XFinity OnDemand and apps like Tubi and Pluto offer free movies. They're free for a reason.

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Convicted: I think we mostly hold our breathe to see if politicians will beat the legal system. A small satisfaction when they don't win, but nobody expects it to be a deterrent. Harrumph. Ethics legislation? Double Harrumph. Maybe we should pay politicians in paddle boards in lieu of pay.

Gustibus: From the list: Lima Beans Eww yuck! I checked coffee - but mostly in form of sugar milk with a little coffee added.

Lamar SB: Didn't know who he was. Didn't appeal to me to find out. SB half time shows aren't looking for my demographic anyways. I haven't even checked the post-SB explanations. Only thing I have heard this week was it was some 'dissing' of Drake - which I also have no understanding of. I agree - "meh, whatever." To be honest - I half expected a certain potus to take opportunity to give some 'rousing' Nuremburg speech.

Nothing to Bragg about: Correcting a "Woke Wrong" by returning the name Bragg. Yet - not for THAT Bragg - but for Pvt Bragg. So you didn't really change the name back for your base (pun intended) supporters but to back door correct. WTH Hegseth.

BJ: Collaboration - When a group of people work together to support each other's goals. "If you ain't with us, you just gotta go." (So addendum: working together means you support my way)

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How many of you feel like a customer of PT Barnum? Not actually named after a Civil War traitor?

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Speaking of foods that people don’t like… I have never been a picky eater. When I was 12 I travelled to visit a younger cousin. He was very picky, and I could not comprehend why he refused to eat. But then, in my household if you didn’t eat what was served you didn’t eat.

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Your comment reminds me of what my Grandma used to tell us when we said, “But, Grandma, I don’t like [whatever it was that she cooked for us].” She used to say, “Eat it whether you like it or not.”

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Mom: "There are starving kids in Africa!"

Me: "They can have mine."

Mom: *WHAP*

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This is a reply to all those people who say that they were told if you didn't eat it you wouldn't eat. I didn't and I often threw up what I was forced to eat. I was quite thin. It's interesting that the same people who support children with regard to their gender status, think it's OK to punish them for food preferences.

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Is that directed at me?

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No. I coincidentallyj ust got a rather rude lecture on my picky eating from someone who claims to be a liberal on gender issues and confess to be a little touchy about it.

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And you know this how??? I don't see the logic. If I respect your gender why on earth wouldn't I respect your palate?

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I’m not sure if the Suprr Bowl was boring for others, but I had 0-0 in a squares pool, so I was paying attention the whole time. And if KC would have missed their 2-point conversion at the end I would have won big money.

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Shoulda, woulda, coulda!

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Maybe someone had 0-2 and they won big money?

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Football is a perfect sport for gamblers. If you bet against a point spread or money line then if you win it means your smart. If you lose, then it is because someone fumbled.

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Burt Ward turning 89?

Holy Octogenarian Batman!

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80, but yeah.

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Pete Townshend Danny Devito Diana Ross George Lucas Michale Douglas Sam Elliott Lorne Micheals

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Please stop! I'm being told many of my heroes are getting very old! What does that say fir me?

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All but Townshend were born in 1944 and turned 80 LAST year. Will add Townshend!

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Please explain the blonde/etc desert island joke….

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I don’t get that, either.

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I assume it's an anti-joke

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What's an anti-joke?

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The lack of the set-up and punch line *is* the joke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-humor

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Then it's not an actual joke, it's a waste of everyone's time!

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My anti is so dumb she had to study for a blood test...

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The real question is how she did.

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Oh, that's easy. You have heard of an antidote? An anti-joke keeps you from laughing.

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I don't like categories of food more than individual dishes, including seafood, green vegetables, and any variation of coffee. I don't care for sweets (cake, cookies, donuts). I don't care for hot sauce or spicy foods either.

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The Brandon loyalty test reminded me of something Abdon Pallasch said on Chicago Week in Review many years ago: "There is a word for someone who is 98% loyal - DISLOYAL."

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50/50 foods

avoid: Blu cheese, Brussel sprouts, grits

never order: caviar, champagne, french onion soup

like: anchovies, fried chicken, hot wings, french fries

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Life without champagne is a life of despair.

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I keep a bottle of sparkling wine in the fridge at all times. You never know when you need to celebrate something.

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