Let the games begin. - I'm human, I make mistakes, I'm not like other people... - I hope she plans to share what she's accomplished and plans to do with the next term if she wins. She's been underwhelming, mostly ineffective, and not the best representative of our city. I'd say Oscar for mayor! but it is actually how we got our last few mayors. Promises, words, no action. (Reading Gub debate quotes - same thing, rambling words, no action plan). NEWS: "People charged with (insert your crime of choice) are guilty and shouldn't be released on bail." GUNS: You can see the opposite views but it seems there are some middle ground where steps could be taken: Background, Red Flags - maybe some security, if not armed people something in pace. Rittenhouse: Look at me I'm going to Texas AM! Reality: I'm attending NEAR Texas A&M at Blinn Community College. Home of Buc the Buccaneer.

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The poll on gun control is interesting because it once again shows that there is a lot that can be agreed upon in the middle but all we ever hear about is on the fringes. Maybe the joint senate group will come to some reasonable conclusions and provide some useful legislation.

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More likely that a joint constituent group would "come to some reasonable conclusions and provide some useful legislation." Just pick registered voters at random from all the political registration categories.

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Maybe you should try spelling it goobernatorial. More accurate in many cases.

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Given Lightfoot's announced primary competition, she has to use all of her 'cards' - race, gender, and orientation. I was actually surprised that she hasn't also used her height.

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I’m as disappointed as anyone about Lori Lightfoot’s performance as mayor, but I’m tired of disingenuous “astonishment” over statements public figures make when you and everyone else knows what they meant. In fact, the astonishment is more likely surprise that they dared to tell the truth. Because Lightfoot is a former prosecutor and still a mostly reasonable person, I don’t for a second believe she is in favor of sacrificing the presumption of innocence in court. But everyone knows that most arrests and charges are justified, so save your astonishment for a case where perhaps repeated and deeper comments might make you question her actual beliefs. In this case, it’s refreshing to hear a politician state a truth that too many are afraid to say out loud.

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I am astonished that she would phrase it that way but I do note in the item that it wasn't exactly what she meant and that there is a sense in which it's a reasonable assumption that someone so charged WILL be found guilty.

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I was at first surprised by the stats you quoted, but then realized that the extremely low arrest and arraignment rates for violent crimes would imply that only slam dunk cases end up in court. But as you say, the relevant point which she should have emphasized is that the safety of witnesses and the public should be the primary consideration with regard to pre-trial incarceration. The other issues are what is considered a violent crime and are non-violent offenders also a danger to the public. Violent crimes require actual injury to one or more people. But many arrests of people fleeing the scene of a street shooting are only charged with non-violent gun possession or use crimes. Carjacking is generally non-violent. People arrested fleeing in a stolen car, even if armed, are charged with non-violent possession of stolen property. Fleeing and resisting arrest are non-violent if a cop isn't injured. Don't release the guy we caught in the act of a violent crime is a pretty low standard, which the mayor has a right to complain about. If only the CPD did not have a history of obtaining false confessions and coercion.

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Carjacking isn't considered a violent crime? Then an armed robbery wouldn't be, either unless the victim was pistol whipped, or even a sexual assault that didn't result in physical injuries. That can't be right.

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Carjacking is always a violent crime, even if the violence is only threatened - say, with a gun in your face. If carjackers used some kind of non-violent threat to persuade the driver to give up the car, only an SNL skit could dramatize it in such a way as to make my fellow readers laugh as much as I did about the opinion that carjacking is generally non-violent.

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Actually, it’s not a reasonable assumption that someone charged with a felony will be found guilty. Almost one out of five people charged with a felony in Cook County are not found guilty. “During 2018, 82% of the felony defendants in Cook County who had their cases disposed of were convicted of a felony offense, a rate higher than Illinois outside of Cook County.”


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Simple comment: God bless Mary Schmich. 'Nuff said.

Chuck Bagdade

Highwood, IL

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We need ranked order voting. I can see another mayoral run-off with two candidates that each got less than 20% in the primary. It would also give us less fringe wackiness.

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Already working this up for next week!

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If only it had a chance.

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Totally agree with your Rittenhouse comments. He is also not newsworthy for centrists. But I have one nit to pick, that looks like a minigun (six barreled, electrically driven machine gun) he is firing, not a rifle.

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I had to look at the video to try to understand what you're talking about. I think I'm not entirely clear about the terminology used by the experts (which I'm not). For one thing, I couldn't even see where he was looking to aim the thing. He wasn't literally sighting down the barrel. Second, the word "rifle" refers to the spiral grooves on the inside of the barrel of a firearm, which make the bullet spin and be more accurate. This is not inextricably linked to any minimum barrel length. However, rifling is usually only found in the barrels of what are called "shoulder arms," which include the weapons we normally call "rifles." Pistols and revolvers are in the category of "sidearms." The minigun in the video was mounted on a tripod, neither a shoulder arm nor a sidearm. I don't know what category that's in! A bazooka is a shoulder arm. A Javelin is a shoulder arm. Artillery is mounted on some kind of carriage.

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Perhaps I'm not following the relevant news feeds. but the only time I hear about Rittenhouse is when Zorn talks about him. He's tabloid material now, does anyone else take that much time to pay attention to his nonsense?

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Eric - thank you for your very reasoned statements on Rittenhouse as we are all better off letting him fade into obscurity.

Regarding the issue of bail for accused violent criminals, it is important to acknowledge that in the city of Chicago in 2021, there were 60 individuals who were charged with murder or shooting of another who were released on little or no bail and again shot or murdered another person while out back on the streets. That is way too many additional victims courtesy of the failed Kim Foxx social justice bail system.

Also, keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Keeping more of them off the streets will unarguably save lives. In my book, anyone who puts a gun in someone's face more than once, regardless of age, should be charged with felonious assault in adult court. Anyone who shoots another person should be incarcerated for several years, with the sentencing doubling for every repeat offense.

The very liberal citizens of San Francisco just recalled the Soros backed social justice prosecutor Chesea Boudin by an overwhelming 61-39 margin. Let us hope this is the first of many of them to be turned out by the voters.

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For media types who like to find errors in tv/movies, a middle episode (6? 7?) of “The Offer” (on the making of “The Godfather”) has a scene where one movie exec throws “The Chicago Sun-Times” and two other newspapers with critical stories to another exec. Not a one of the papers is a tabloid.

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The Sun-Times is, physically, a tabloid. You were thinking of the definition referring to the kind of content. By that definition, a website could be called a "tabloid" even though its only physical reality is on screen.

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On your work from home idea, I think we have different problems. Ireland is concerned about how to respond to a supply shortage. Our problem is just price. Some might see this as an opportunity to push more people into alternate transit (trains, buses, bikes, scooters, etc) so keeping the offices open helps. Keeping offices open also supports the ancillary businesses that serve office workers. The gas price pain will also push more people that are on the fence into hybrid and electric vehicles, which supports the transition in that industry. But I think much of the shutdown damage/benefit is already done. Businesses that saw an advantage to full or partially remote work forces are already trying out new office plans.

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No LOLs in this week’s tweets. Or in the special political tweets, almost by design. But the visual tweet was good.

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Re:loss of new music in life. I’ve always spent a lot of time finding new popular music to enjoy. XM, Spotify, and Shazam are my resources. For a while, I would sprinkle in news shows with my listening, but that’s been replaced with the occasional podcast.

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“The Mincing Rascals” and “Civil War Talk Radio,” I hope

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