"Shchewdent" for, say, a CPS pupil drives me round the twisht . The sh-ing of 's' sounds beganat about the same time as people started to begin answers (anshwers?) with an utterly meaningless "So ..."

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Did the Trib person explain why they also run the equally vicious and disgusting Ramirez "cartoons" severel atimes a week? The idea that Ramirez and Kelley are balanced by the generally mild Lukovitch could only come from a Trib-addled brain.

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Scott Stantis still reigns supreme as the best editorial cartoonist!

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There’s still room in American editorial cartooning for a mild liberal. Not so for a mild conservative (like Stantis). They are either revolted by Trump and MAGA and let their work say so (like Stantis ), or they set up shop on the far right, where the oxygen is. In these terrible times for newspapers and editorial cartoonists, who the hell would spend money on a mild conservative?

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An important difference between the Biden and DeSantis cartoons is the latter pokes fun at DeSantis's choice of rhetoric, and the former an alleged medical condition.

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I’m sick of the criticism of Biden that automatically equates age with senility. He is a canny politician who genuinely wants to heal our divided nation. His admin has accomplished more than anyone would have imagined possible without much help from the other side and largely without gloating. The cartoons and comics go for the low hanging fruit. Don’t we all hope we can make it to our 80’s with the brainpower he has??? We need to revere the knowledge and wisdom accumulated by living a long life and stop mocking the natural physical decline of aging.

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I thought that the President's handling of the debt ceiling is an excellent example of his leadership, effectiveness, acumen, and political philosophy. His speech afterward was pretty good, too.

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I view editorial cartoons as less 'ha ha' and more a twist on news stories. Yes, Kelley has a sad, troupe of beating an old horse, but it reflects some of the news coverage from the past week. (Not all from Fox). As for Luckovich, anything with "DeSantis" and "Joke" in it seems appropriate. I would prefer to have Mr Stantis back. He made you think a bot more.

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I love Scott Stantis. Personally he is simply a great guy. As an artist he is skilled and though his opinions occasionally infuriate me I find him provocative and as fair as the blunt medium of cartooning allows.

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I think the whole point of political cartoons is to target traits, mannerisms and yes, personal things. My gosh, every president has been the target of this over time. And depending on your viewpoint, it is has angered you or made you laugh. Just because there wasn't an equally targeting cartoon on DeSantis doesn't mean it shouldn't have run. I'd wager that Trump (remember him!) had more than any other president targeted at him over his time as president. Heck, everyone is still obsessed. Keep em coming. We'll like some and we'll hate some. As we should.

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spot on.

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Aren't there any adjectives in between "legitimate" and "ugly", "malicious" "false", "toxic", "ageist", "calumny", "hideous", "trollish" or "disgusting" to describe a "cartoon"? Maybe facetious or farcical? I thought the DeSantis cartoon was funny because he and most candidates never answer the questions they are asked. To get riled up over either is sad, but not surprising. I thought Chris Jones' reply was spot on.

I disagree with AnnT that cartoons need to "stop mocking the natural physical decline of aging". My birthday is next month and I'm hoping, and confident, many of my cards will be doing just that!

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just as with jones' reply to EZ, your post is spot on.

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re the Kelley cartoon - to EZ and those who support his POV on this cartoon: get a grip. EZ, i'm several yrs older than you, and am not offended by artists' [of any art] portrayals of aging - your so-called ageism. i'm not a victim. the cartoon is mocking biden and feinstein - so what? it's in the op-ed section. while the Trib has every right to curate [ie, censor] any material it doesn't want to print, i believe it also has, and shd have, broad latitude in what it does print. EZ, perhaps none of your faculties have been diminished with age - if so, hurrah for you. many of mine have diminished, tho i am blessed to be able, active, and - altho my children may take issue with this - fairly mentally astute into sr citizenship. and even if you retain your undiminished 30s/40s/50s faculties, i still don't understand what is so deeply disturbing to you about a cartoonist making fun of public figures diminished by aging. read jones' reply to you again ... and again. PS: i'm not a conservative, or a republican.

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I think it’s fair game. But I’ve also always thought there should be a limit (separate from term limits) for age. Give the next generation a chance!!! My rule would be “you’re out when you hit 70”

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I do not like the Tribune cartoon but it has little effect on me. With so many really toxic comments and cartoons, that cartoon is just meh.

It does not threaten me or my family and does not display anyone in a gross or sexual manner. Sad to say in this world of wacko and hate, the Trib cartoon is just silly stupid.

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If Alabama has three state holidays for Confederate figures, who is the third? Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and??? Surely you didn't mean Martin L. King was the third!?! And how telling that was; evidently the Civil War was won by the Confederates in the eyes of Alabama.

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Confederate Memorial Day is the third.

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I forgot to add Confederate Memorial Day to the list! https://personnel.alabama.gov/Downloads/StateHolidays.pdf

But I added it for the online version.

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I was shocked when I went on a tour of a plantation in South Carolina (or maybe it was Georgia), in the 80's. The tour guide called the Civil War, "The War of Northern Aggression". I heard another guide call it the "War for Southern Independence". Both had the flavor of victimization, 'the south shall rise again', and denial of reality.

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Along the same lines: I once asked a client in Tennessee who won the battle at Shiloh and she replied, y'all did. I don't know how much that attitude contributes to the feeling of non-unity in these United States, but I am sure that is a part of it for some people.

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I had a client with plants in Ohio and Kentucky, only a couple of hours drive apart, across the Ohio River. The Kentucky plant operators had plenty of snarky remarks about the Yankees in Ohio. It was a completely different culture. I had just read Alexis de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" and thought his 1835 description of the difference in Northern and Southern culture still had many enduring features. Culture and attitudes are slow to change.

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When I was overseas military in the early '70s, a disportionate number of the troops in the field and in our military overall at the time were from the South where there is long-standing military tradition. And I can tell you that a lot of my Southern comrades totally lived by the creed, the South shall rise again. But I thought this was mostly just a an expression of regional pride.

In the late '80s I was a member of an association of State Risk Managers in which each would take a turn hosting an annual conference which always included field tours of interesting places in the state capital area. At the conclusion of each conference, the selected host for the following year's event would speak briefly on the plans and extend an invitation to everyone to attend.

Upon conclusion of one year's event in Maine, the state risk manager from South Carolina, at the time a relatively young man, stood up to speak on hosting the event the following year in it Columbia. He specifically mentioned touring a museum on what he called the War of Northern Aggression. I chuckled out loud as I thought he was jesting with us northerners, but to my awkward embarrassment I immediately learned that was not the case, that he was totally serious.

Perhaps part of the problem is analogous to how defeated foes are treated, as the harshly punitive measures France demanded against Germany upon conclusion of World War I said the stage for the rise of an ultra nationalist like Hitler and World War II. Similarly, the tragic loss of President Lincoln unfortunately ushered into office the inept and corrupt Johnson who, as were most Democrats at the time, was for most of his life strongly pro slavery, even stating at one time that he believed it was enshrined in the Constitution. His corruption and slavery sympathies gave rise to massive carpet bagging and tolerance for the birth and reign of terror of the KKK. Likely if President Lincoln had overseen the post-war, there would have been much greater reconciliation and likely not as much desire to celebrate the Confederate cause and their generals today.

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I wish I could create a tweet with the caption "Me voting for by far the funniest tweet and finding no one else voted for it."

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Re the Kelley cartoon, can we just skip to the part that it isn't funny? I mean, not at ALL funny? If this were an exchange IRL, it would still not be mildly amusing, and not because of the potential offense.

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I too found the Steve Kelly cartoon to be nasty. I have been a Tribune subscriber for over 40 years and am disappointed that it has truly declined in the last few years. Unfortunately, this is not the first of such cartoons in the Trib that disparage President Biden's cognitive competency implying he is becoming demented. I also feel the DeSantis cartoon does not come anywhere near the nasty level

of the Biden cartoon. Again a false equivalency is put forward by Chris Jones. The real harm in this is that the public consciousness gets bombarded with these messages that undermine the President's competency. How sad.

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Luckovich had a good one about the Republicans falsely and repeatedly suggesting that Biden is already suffering from dementia. It came out right after the debt ceiling deal was done.


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I first noticed the shtr while listening to Michelle Obama's audiobook of "Becoming" and now I can't stop hearing it. It's interesting that it only occurs with str and not any other st word. I was wondering if it were regional, but it appears not. I even hear it in news and radio people, who ought to know better.

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