While it’s true that many people’s beliefs are based on their religious dogma, the test of whether legislation or court decisions are promoting the authors’ religious beliefs is the argument that is being made. If the argument is based on references to God or the bible or any other religious teachings, it’s promoting religion as a basis …
While it’s true that many people’s beliefs are based on their religious dogma, the test of whether legislation or court decisions are promoting the authors’ religious beliefs is the argument that is being made. If the argument is based on references to God or the bible or any other religious teachings, it’s promoting religion as a basis of our laws. If it’s based solely on the Constitution or the precepts of natural law from which our rights emanate, then it is not promoting religion even if the ethical precepts are the same.
While it’s true that many people’s beliefs are based on their religious dogma, the test of whether legislation or court decisions are promoting the authors’ religious beliefs is the argument that is being made. If the argument is based on references to God or the bible or any other religious teachings, it’s promoting religion as a basis of our laws. If it’s based solely on the Constitution or the precepts of natural law from which our rights emanate, then it is not promoting religion even if the ethical precepts are the same.