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Dear Eric and Zorn Readers,

I desperately need help with some clarification of things I heard during yesterday's inauguration activities.

1st - #47 advisor Dan Scavino was "warming up" the crowd at the Capital One arena yesterday. I am paraphrasing his remarks. He started by telling the crowd about that day in Butler on July 13, 2024, when an attempted assassin "shot Trump in the head." With Trump "bleeding profusely" from his head wound, he stood up with what became the iconic photo of Trump, "bleeding profusely," raised his fist in the air and shouted "fight, fight, fight."

Trump arrived at the hospital, still "bleeding profusely" from his "head wound," and was only worried about how others who were there.

What I saw that day on live TV and subsequent repeat videos of Trump's injury was a minor knick of his right ear, that was probably treated with maybe one stitch at most. I lose more blood with my every 8-week Red Cross blood donation, or even the occasional bloody nose than Trump lost that day.

President Reagan's administration released reports of his medical condition after the attempted assassination of March 30, 1981. This left the public no doubt that President Reagan's injuries were quite serious and could have been fatal. The reports were very detailed.

#47 has never released his medical report from Butler and probably never will.

2nd - the same #47 advisor Dan Scavino detailed his view of the November election, where Trump won by a "massive landslide victory, the largest landslide victory" of any president.

Point of order, I'm a retired teacher, having taught for 37 years with my speciality American history and American government. My sub-specialty was presidential elections, an area of interest where I gave presentations to teachers around the country. So, I have decent knowledge about presidential election.

#47 won the November election by about 1.5% more votes that Harris. #47 did not win a majority of the popular vote. His Electoral College vote of 312 is not in the landslide category, although both #47 advisor Dan Scavino and #47 himself state this as fact. The base repeats this same line of the landslide victory.

His base is 100% convinced of this lie. Your views of this will be most appreciated.

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As Hitler used to great effect: Say the Big Lies often enough, and people will believe it. Trump and his MAGA fans have already done this to great effect----after all, he won the election (supposedly, although I think it was fixed, and I've NEVER thought such a thing before.)

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what are those two famous quotes: 1) never let facts get in the way of a good story, and 2) when fiction [legend] becomes fact, print the fiction.

Remember his fan base believes the 3 million popular vote majority Hilary Clinton got was from IlLEGALS in cALiFORNiA and that the 2020 election was stolen.

We are not dealing with a fact-checking, critical thinking, deductive reasoning base here.

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I'm not aware that anybody thinks he was actually shot in a way that's more severe than the evident knick of the ear, these rhetorical flights of fancy notwithstanding. I do occasionally hear from progressive friends that they think the shooting was rigged or some sort of conspiracy. I'm not quite sure how serious they are. If serious, that strikes me as ridiculous, a mirror image of right-wing nutjobbery.

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There is something else to keep in mind. What does Trump need the ear for? He doesn't listen to anyone other than adoring sycophants and he can do that with the other ear.

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