This week's tweet list from Eric was the best collection I have ever seen from him! (I voted for all but one). But this list from Gerak is equally outstanding so I vote A TIE (but since "tie goes to the runner" and Eric runs the Picayune, he gets the win).

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I agree that both were good lists! There's always some clunkers likely as I don't understand the gist...

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Really good tweets this week ... both lists! Loved the educator responses to the fake kindergarten teacher tweet. And, ohhh, Mayfly. Beautiful.

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The commercial with the lamp reminds me of a British tv show called “Trying.” In it a couple are trying to become parents, have difficulties and eventually move toward adoption. Further on they foster a brother and sister and the boy has a lamp just like the one in the commercial which becomes his companion. The potential parents handle it in a heartwarming way. A funny show about family. 4 seasons on Apple TV+ and worth a watch.

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Early returns show a 3 to 1 margin in favor of Gerak. This can only be explained by ballot stuffing, as surely irregularities exist when a list that maybe has 2-3 decent tweets stacks up against Zorn's 7-8 sure-fires. This must be investigated now. Do not concede, demand a recount.

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I may refuse to certify this election!

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Well, hardy, har, har that some people got taken in by fake Kindergarten news tweets that - let’s face it - in today’s totally weird society in which a (female) U. S. Supreme Court Justice claims she can’t say what a woman is because she’s not a biologist are totally plausible. But doesn’t this totally pale in comparison to the many people taken in by the false accusations that our former president was a Russian asset and paid a prostitute to urinate on him on a hotel bed on which the Obamas once slept, or the intelligence agencies’ misleading reports to a compliant media establishment that the Hunter Biden laptop story - now authenticated and widely recognized as true - had “all the hallmarks of Russian misinformation”? Both of these incidents arguably crippled one presidency and intentionally affected another presidential election in what is supposed to be a representative democracy with free and fair elections. Instead of trolling people on the other side of the aisle, perhaps people on both sides of the aisle could stop hating on each other long enough to recognize that what we are doing is hastening the demise of what, for all its faults, could actually have been a pretty good system under which to live.

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We should all hug our differences out, but we should all cross dress first.

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Actually, to accurately answer the question of what is a woman, you do have to be a biologist.


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Eric writes that only the extremely stupid would miss the satire, but it really doesn’t sound any more absurd than some of the loonier ideas that are proclaimed from the wing nut fringes of wokesville. Bill Maher makes this point on his show all the time; he notes that conservative humor and satire didn’t used to work because liberalism, whatever it’s shortcomings, was always grounded in sanity. Now, not so much. When ideas such as, crime should be legalised, the police should be abolished, Lincoln should be cancelled (in the land of Lincoln!), men can get pregnant, babies can be racist, math is racist, offending a college student is an act of physical violence, and on and on and on, well, it kind of looks like right wing Neanderthals no longer are the exclusive inhabitants of crazy town.

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That fake kindergarten teacher story is my favorite story of the year, and well worth the eleven month wait. I plan to reformat it and share it in Facebook when I get a minute.

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Humor IS subjective, because I found Jay's tweets, for the most part, chuckle-worthy, while with yours, I actually laughed out loud at a few of them!

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Both sets of tweets were good. Appreciate a good laugh first thing in the morning. Another good laugh with the fake kindergarten teacher tweet. It is good to get people excited

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All tweets were clever. There were three on Eric's list that had violent content (murder, child abuse) that took away the humor for me. Jay wins this week. I love the visual tweets and yes, I appreciated the Schrödinger's plates. Marvelous!

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Once a month for the next seven and a half years I’m going to treat myself to another different old-time fiddle style video.

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I never excuse the use of threats, personal attacks or even coarse language in our discourse. But it is laughable that many on the left are somehow mystified at the widespread outrage and anger over the proposed University of Chicago course entitled The Problem of Whiteness.

Let's turn this around and suppose that another major university proposed a course entitled The Problem of Blackness. Can you imagine the nuclear reaction this would engender with widespread visceral condemnation in the strongest terms, as well as likely, death threats, personal attacks and in civil language.

If a pejorative course title referencing one ethnicity is impermissible, it is not permissible with any other ethnicity. So the good administrators of the University of Chicago and leftists in general should stop clutching their pearls (to appropriate one of Eric's favorite dismissive terms) over the intense negative reaction by many to a course entitled The Problem of Whiteness.

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Don't be fooled. The main "problem with whiteness" is that there's no such thing. As soon as you start to define it, you sound like you're describing Ferris Bueller, which is woefully over- and under-inclusive. And when you start to describe its opposites -- say, blackness -- you unintentionally end up sounding like David Duke or a lame comedian. Either way, whiteness "studies" is an embarrassing insistence on the essential reality of hackneyed stereotypes. I thought we were supposed to have grown out of that crap.

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Trolling is just not a good idea. Trying to elicit hateful responses by people is a waste of time. We live in a time of few shared basic facts, so obvious jokes are not shared across America these days. Katie seems delighted that some hatemongers took her bait. I fear they may take it a step further and do harm to her. We do not need this!

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I'm a notorious weeper but I got more teared up from Barbara's explanation--it's a lovely song thx! I never heard of the band but will look them up. I left the city as a teen...

oh my those kindergarten teacher responses were fantastic!!! Congrats on almost a year Zorn! Looking forward to next year's PS. and "Songs" next Sunday

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This is, by far one of the most hilarious pranks in social media history. Did anyone count the heads that exploded over this tweet?

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My coffeemaker also died earlier this year. After much shopping I was able to replace it with another single-button (on/off) model. But at $20, it cost twice as much as the one I bought in 2003. No last photo, because I was unable to balance it on the lip of the garbage chute.

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