I think that Ms. Lewis was far too polite, borderline obsequious in fact, in her response to the insulting diatribe that the pompous priss LaBouvier sent her. The proper response to this twit would have been to simply ignore her and quit providing any further publicity that she doesn’t deserve in the first place.
I think that Ms. Lewis was far too polite, borderline obsequious in fact, in her response to the insulting diatribe that the pompous priss LaBouvier sent her. The proper response to this twit would have been to simply ignore her and quit providing any further publicity that she doesn’t deserve in the first place.
I think that Ms. Lewis was far too polite, borderline obsequious in fact, in her response to the insulting diatribe that the pompous priss LaBouvier sent her. The proper response to this twit would have been to simply ignore her and quit providing any further publicity that she doesn’t deserve in the first place.