I would like to imagine that the drone scenario would work, and it is probably worth a try. But the Police1 scenario had two magical moments. The sudden appearance of cars that can block in the driver without the driver being aware or able to avoid it. And ignoring the likelihood that the occupants of the car would simply bale out and…
I would like to imagine that the drone scenario would work, and it is probably worth a try. But the Police1 scenario had two magical moments. The sudden appearance of cars that can block in the driver without the driver being aware or able to avoid it. And ignoring the likelihood that the occupants of the car would simply bale out and run, knowing the police cannot chase them on foot. But drones are far cheaper than helicopters and the ability to launch and guide a drone from the pursuing police car could be a plus. Another idea which I like, is the ability to tag a car with a tracking device launched from a police car. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/police-in-minnesota-can-launch-tracking-device-from-their-vehicles-onto-stolen-cars/
Another idea is to allow the police to access the GPS system built into the car, as when an owner can activate ONStar.
I would like to imagine that the drone scenario would work, and it is probably worth a try. But the Police1 scenario had two magical moments. The sudden appearance of cars that can block in the driver without the driver being aware or able to avoid it. And ignoring the likelihood that the occupants of the car would simply bale out and run, knowing the police cannot chase them on foot. But drones are far cheaper than helicopters and the ability to launch and guide a drone from the pursuing police car could be a plus. Another idea which I like, is the ability to tag a car with a tracking device launched from a police car. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/police-in-minnesota-can-launch-tracking-device-from-their-vehicles-onto-stolen-cars/
Another idea is to allow the police to access the GPS system built into the car, as when an owner can activate ONStar.