Eric, I believe you may be missing David Applegate's specific complaint. You do indeed allow contrary comments in the PS, but all too often they are attacked not with reason and logic, but simply personal insults and name calling.
Your readership largely mirrors your liberal views (although you are more a classic liberal than a far left progressive), and the use of course language and branding other views as not just incorrect, but as morally lacking and evil, simply becomes a self-gratifying echo chamber that does not in any way contribute to information and understanding.
I greatly enjoy a debate of competing ideas and policies with facts, statistics and reason, and I discern that is what David Applegate is seeking.
Give it a try!
I have been open to printing dissenting views at some length, are you missing that?
Eric, I believe you may be missing David Applegate's specific complaint. You do indeed allow contrary comments in the PS, but all too often they are attacked not with reason and logic, but simply personal insults and name calling.
Your readership largely mirrors your liberal views (although you are more a classic liberal than a far left progressive), and the use of course language and branding other views as not just incorrect, but as morally lacking and evil, simply becomes a self-gratifying echo chamber that does not in any way contribute to information and understanding.
I greatly enjoy a debate of competing ideas and policies with facts, statistics and reason, and I discern that is what David Applegate is seeking.