Nothing could be finah than to listen to John Prine-a in the morning. Thanks for the link.

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I listened tonight-seeing John sing live in those elder years is so sweet and bittersweet at the same time. A catch in the throat and tearful eyes He had a blast hanging out with all those young and old musicians. So thankful I was able to go to my first Prine concerts during that time. One, at the Chicago Theater the evening of the World Series Cubs day parade and celbration; we scored the tix in March that year. What kinda luck is that?

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Thanks for letting me find Neil S-I love his stuff! What a joy to find a new voice for passion, compassion, and humor.

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1. As many loons as there are on the loose, many packing guns, it would seem we need MORE mental shelters, now fewer. 2. "Mug Shots" may be an unfortunate name for a photo of suspected lawbreakers, but photos and fingerprints are necessary for unassailable identification. With a new name, would such photos be any less flattering?

3. Blagojevich was indeed an Ill. governor, so yes, his portrait (Mug Shot?) deserves to be included. It's the caption that will finesse his appearance, if honestly phrased. 4. That many try to recharacterize or re-purpose the painting "The Scream" by Munch, it only attests to its iconic power. Feel free to make declamatory comments about other such iconic paintings as "Whistler's Mother" or "American Gothic" or any of the many paintings of the miseries of hell (which are baffling, in that, once dead, pain can no longer be felt, so such depictions flunk the test of logic while trying to get the point across).

What else you got? How about Ron DeSantis blowing smoke, musing that slavery must have had SOME virtue because look at all the useful trades slaves learned under the lash. By the way, did his feud with Mickey Mouse (aka Disneyland) end in a draw, or did he lose without public concession? Disneyland still stands, with no change in beneficial tax status. Advantage Disneyland?

What DeSantis adversarily derides as "woke" is really a cloaked denunciation of the new awareness of our nation's actual history, and rejection of the honeyed Hollywood version DeSantis embraces, which deserves to be called "still asleep" or "unwoke."

And are any mayors of cities to which Gregg Abbott sent refugees sending Abbott photos of the hospitality given them? If asked, Abbott would of course declare himself a Christian; just not the actual Jesus kind. Two philosophies oceans apart. To Abbott, Christianity is reserved only for white people.

Why do no religious bigwigs not denounce Abbott's un-Christian reactions, on moral grounds? Is it because, at bottom, they are fakers in long robes? History says Martin Luther nailed his counterarguments to the church door in protest against what he saw as immoral and unjust. They just don't make church spokesmen like him anymore.

In Chicago, famous for The Great Migration of blacks from the horrors of the Deep South, why do the descendants of those migrants denounce today's pilgrims from south of our border arriving in Chicago's Woodlawn as undesirable and unwanted? That's what establishment whites said about their own antecedents. So far, reporters have not even published what skills they might be bringing. Even if only laborers, the USA is mightily short of enough laborers to get done all the work waiting to be done, the press has said. The illogic is baffling. Though our Statue of Liberty symbolizes our welcoming nature as declared on its plaque, written by Emma Lazarus, why does each new wave of immigrants in this nation of immigrants try to lock the door behind them once they get situated?

Our press is not posing that stark question.

Was it Voltaire who said "This is the best of all possible worlds"? Was it Puck who said "What fools these mortals be."? One way or another, we are all philosophers. Make the most of it while you may.

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Interesting that you want the media to refrain from posting mug shots based on some sort of journalistic integrity. In the same issue you report on a lawsuit brought by a Trib reader that he is basically being scammed. I believe you refer to the Trib’s practice as “dodgy” - I think dishonest is a better word.

The media thrives on easy graphic pictures with little regard for privacy or integrity.

I believe Trump wanted his mug shot published in order to raise much needed funds. The media could not wait to oblige. A dog wags his tail like Trump wags the media.

I don’t think you will have any luck on stopping mug shots from being publicized.

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My thesaurus is exhausted of pejorative adjectives to describe the Tribune's subscription pricing practices, so I'll give you that. In general mainstream media is better these days about mug shots.

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Concerning the Swim Club story;

Years ago I was walking the Fullerton “Rocks” with a friend. Its was early September and it was a hot day. So, my friend decides to take a swim. There’s no guard there and he’s not a native, so I warn him that the lake choppy, and it could be pretty cold. He proceeds to swim out to the buoy and I could see that he’s looking pretty tired.

So after a minute or so of hanging onto the bouy he starts back at about midway he starts the founder. The water was cold and the chop made the trip back even more physically draining. So I decided to go out to try to help him. Mind you I have no life saving skills. So I get out there and I cam he is exhausted. I try to help him keep his head above water, but the two of us are fast becoming completely fatigued. He’s in real trouble, and I can’t do a thing to help him. Suddenly a swimmer appears, and tells him to just lay on his back. But at this point, he’s panicky. So the swimmer gives him a good clout in the face and grab him around the neck and starts back with him. I swim slightly ahead of them, and we finally reached the edge of the concrete. We’re both exhausted and extremely shaken..

There were no guards that day and but for that lifesaver we would’ve both been drowned.

So swimming in the lake at this time of year is a bad idea even for a strong swimmer. The wind starts to blow out of the northwest and the chop becomes heavy and water temperatures drop dramatically. To me canceling the swim club was a good idea. After all most people out there are not going to be strong swimmers or have life-saving techniques under their belt. And it could’ve been a disaster in the making.

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Yikes! Glad everyone made it back to shore!

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Thanks. It was very close.

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Liked a majority of the Tweets this week! (That hasn't happened in a while.)

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I liked the link about the evolution of children's literature. I had my own shock when I read the Burton (1890's) translation of the Arabian Nights. The stories are a collection of Persian, South Asian, and Arabic stories that were first assembled and published between the 8th and 13th century in the Middle East, possibly Baghdad. The stories are racist, misogynist, violent, and have moral messages that would please the Taliban. The magical aspects are entirely peripheral props in the stories. Every modern movie rewrite of the stories is a thousand times better than the original stories.

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I thought Trump's mug shot looked like he was doing a Richard Nixon imitation. I see no chance that release of mug shots will change. Given the media demands for the release of all sorts of crime video clips, their love of 'perp walks', and demand for video inside of court during proceedings, I don't see how mug shots are a special case. There are lots of celebrities and politicians that would like to control use of their mug shots, but there are way too many media that love using them.

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I thought, regretfully, he looked way too much like the “Uncle Sam Wants You!” poster.

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Ramaswamy has frequently joked about how difficult his name is for many people and compared himself to Raja Krishnamurthy. I took his use of Nikki Haley's name as claiming 'authenticity' and being willing to embrace ethnicity. He wants to be the outsider and place her with the untrustworthy, traditional politicians. It's hard to imagine that he thinks he can make her seem 'other' while embracing his own name.

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Agree. I find Ramaswamy loathsome but Eric’s argument made no sense. How could someone who used their decidedly foreign sounding name “other” someone by referring to them by a similar sort of name? I think you hit the nail on the head as to what he was doing.

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Gotta disagree, Marc [tho i seldom disagree with your comments]. ramaswamy is a self-serving sleazebag - i.e., a typical politician. haley has chosen a different name than her birth name for ... whatever reason. i think all of us shd respect her choice. he's trying to make her seem somehow disingenuous by using a name other than her birth name, when i wd argue he's the one being disingenuous - not in his choice of his own name, but de facto condemning - or at least snidely calling into question - personal choice. tho i'm not an atty, i once heard you can change your name in the US of A w/o taking any legal action - e.g., going to court - as long as the reason for changing your name is not criminal or fraudulent.

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In the story about the Friday Morning Swim Club the reporter said that Park District employees and CPD confronted the swimmers telling them to stop the event, leave, and that anyone entering the water would be arrested. But CPD just 'monitor' flash mobs, pop-up parties, and drifting events, even when the crowds are stomping on cars, vandalizing, and looting. I guess they were just confident that the swimmers would peacefully comply, which they did. I certainly feel better knowing that the city won't tolerate swimming scofflaws.

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I was at the Cubs yesterday, where player heights/weights are displayed on the Jumbotron at their first plate appearance. The several approximately 6’3” 220 lbs. ballplayers could readily cool off in the former POTUS’s shadow with lots of room to spare.

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I worked in and around the traffic safety field for several years and heard leaders from both the public and private sectors routinely call our highway death toll (exceeding the population of Evanston every two years) “unacceptable.” I came to understand this word to mean “hard problem we can’t/won’t do anything about”.

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If that Tribune lawsuit ends up being a class action suit, I want in. It's disgraceful how they bait and switch subscription costs and force you to constantly call to renegotiate your rate. It's almost as bad as the cable companies!

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I thought that the “Scream” prank was kind of funny, if only because of its “made you look” dynamic. I hadn’t encountered the meme before, but if I had, I don’t think I would have fallen for it, since I’ve seen the Munch painting enough times to to remember the details of the facial traits. The first thing I thought of when I saw the face in the mock up was that it looked exactly like the masked faces that flash briefly, to creepy effect, in the movie “Pink Floyd: The Wall”.

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If you want to go to a stat-geek level about the A's, they do still have a path to having the worst run differential in modern (post-1900) baseball history. The 1932 Re Sox had a -349 and the A's currently sit at -308. they won't come close to the all-time, the 1892 Cleveland Spiders with an astounding -723.

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