The "niche within a niche" audience for the T-shirt was certainly too small to expect a significant vote, but it was a nice venue for us 6-stringers to bond. Should have left out the explanation in the poll (especially the double-don't) to keep the befuddlement of the uninitiated intact.
The "niche within a niche" audience for the T-shirt was certainly too small to expect a significant vote, but it was a nice venue for us 6-stringers to bond. Should have left out the explanation in the poll (especially the double-don't) to keep the befuddlement of the uninitiated intact.
Yes, the explanation should not have been given away. As someone whose instrumental ability is limited to rhythm guitar playing, I enjoyed cracking the code and admired the esoterica of it.
The "niche within a niche" audience for the T-shirt was certainly too small to expect a significant vote, but it was a nice venue for us 6-stringers to bond. Should have left out the explanation in the poll (especially the double-don't) to keep the befuddlement of the uninitiated intact.
Yes, the explanation should not have been given away. As someone whose instrumental ability is limited to rhythm guitar playing, I enjoyed cracking the code and admired the esoterica of it.