1. Dobbs is unconstitutional as Article III provides no power to the SCOTUS to nullify any right and abortion is an unenumerated, innate right of women.
2. Antiabortion laws that restrict abortion prior to week 20-23 are unconstitutional as they promote an object, a nonsentient fetus, to the level of being, that which possesses the capaci…
1. Dobbs is unconstitutional as Article III provides no power to the SCOTUS to nullify any right and abortion is an unenumerated, innate right of women.
2. Antiabortion laws that restrict abortion prior to week 20-23 are unconstitutional as they promote an object, a nonsentient fetus, to the level of being, that which possesses the capacity for mind.
3. Antiabortion laws are unconstitutional as they are purely religious in nature and religious doctrine cannot be used as law.
4. Antiabortion laws are not concerned with "protecting life", but with controlling women, forcing them to deal with the consequences of daring to have sex outside of marriage and not for bearing children as they argue god wants.
Conservatives are THE problem and must be marginalized. They do not believe in rights by definition and they want to destroy our inclusive, liberal society and replace it with a theocracy. They are the American Taliban. Vote Blue.
1. Dobbs is unconstitutional as Article III provides no power to the SCOTUS to nullify any right and abortion is an unenumerated, innate right of women.
2. Antiabortion laws that restrict abortion prior to week 20-23 are unconstitutional as they promote an object, a nonsentient fetus, to the level of being, that which possesses the capacity for mind.
3. Antiabortion laws are unconstitutional as they are purely religious in nature and religious doctrine cannot be used as law.
4. Antiabortion laws are not concerned with "protecting life", but with controlling women, forcing them to deal with the consequences of daring to have sex outside of marriage and not for bearing children as they argue god wants.
Conservatives are THE problem and must be marginalized. They do not believe in rights by definition and they want to destroy our inclusive, liberal society and replace it with a theocracy. They are the American Taliban. Vote Blue.